It feels good to be done. I am relieved that my project is over. I enjoyed the pictures because there were a lot of them. They also are fun to add because you are aloud to pick what ever one you want . The most challenging thing was recording because I always mess up. Some advice to future 4th graders is look at the parents.
Category Archives: 4th Grade
Passion Project Blog Post
My topic was how basketball changed over time. I picked this topic because I knew a lot about it. I picked a slideshow because I thought the infographic was too small and I didn’t pick the poster because I like typing. I liked working on my passion Project because I like researching something I like. I wouldn’t change anything because I liked the project.
Blog Post #2 AmRev!
I picked the We Video because I thought that it was easier to put the pictures in from we video than a Ted talk or a ignite. I also picked it because you an record it as many times as you want so you can’t mess up you could keep going till it is perfect. writing my narrative was easy for me because all I had to do was put my research into a narrative. The first thing I had to do with the script was put each sentence into a box. The script for me was easy but annoying because you had to time yourself for each box and put how long it was. The project was mid There was some good stuff and bad stuff some of the good stuff was typing,researching, and the narrative some bad stuff is putting the pictures, timing each box, and the recording.
Blogs Post #1-AmRev
When I researched for the declaration of independence I used the sites Ducksters, Fact site, and true Flix. It wasn’t, that hard to find the information that I was looking for. f I went back to the researching phase I would not do anything differently then I did. I would not change anything because I got so much research that I would not need to change anything. I am feeling good going into the next phase of the project because the next phase of the project is trimming myself.
Middle colonies reflection
First we had to pick which region and it was easy for me. I knew that I was picking Middle Colonies. Then we had to research the Middle Colonies. I got most of my information from Ducksters and books from the classroom. Then we had to pick if we were going to do a slideshow or an infographic. That part took me a while but I picked the infographic. Then I had to do the research for the infographic. Then I finished my project. It took me about 2 weeks.
My favorite part was typing and my least favorite part was researching. The hardest part for me was researching because it was hard to find the right information that I needed. The easiest part was typing because I am good at it. Overall, I liked this project and I would do it again.
Everyone has felt pressure in their life but the worst type of pressure is when you put it on yourself. What I find most challenging is sports and academics.
For example, when you play a sport like I do you get pressure on yourself. An example is once I was playing flag football and I was the QB (QuarterBack) of my team and all the players rely on you. In the first playoff game I was the starter and the first drive was so pressuring because I didn’t want to throw a pick because I didn’t want to let my team down. So I took some breaths and I got on the field. I feel a lot of pressure when throwing a touchdown because I have to go the whole field without throwing bad passes or picks. Another rule is you get sacked in 4 seconds so you have to throw the ball in 4 seconds or it is a loss of down. That’s not a lot of time! I threw a touchdown!
Another example is once I had a math test and I put so much pressure on myself and I was sweating. I thought I was going to mess up and get a question wrong. And it was really bad because I thought I had to get every single question right, but I should’ve thought that there is no pressure and just do it. However, I got pressured and I got some things wrong.
I realize that people should try to not feel pressure because it could affect how you play a sport or in academics. That’s why pressure is challenging.
Extreme Weather Ignite Reflection
Right when I started this project I thought it was going to be easy but down the road I realized that it was harder than I thought.
The first thing I had to do was research. All I did every day was get a book called Earthquakes. It gave me a lot of information. After that I went onto different sites and got the rest of my information.
I had to write my narrative. Then, I had to cut it down to make it my script. Then, I had to memorize my script. In my opinion that part was the easiest.
After that I had to do the slides. I did not like putting the slides in the middle. It was harder than I thought, then I practiced for a while and a week later I did it. I was so scared I thought I was going to mess up but I didn’t.
My favorite part was typing it because I like clicking the keys.
My least favorite was memorizing it because it took a while to memorize it and you could mess up at any moment. After the presentation I was really happy that it was over because it was pressuring me. If I could do it again and change anything I wouldn’t.