Feature Article Reflection

Have you ever done a feature article well I have and I am writing a reflection on my feature article if keep reading I will tell you all about it. I enjoyed writing my introduction the best and the hardest part of writing it was my section called big events. I enjoyed pictures the most on the formatting part and my least favorite part was putting the pictures in the right place so it would fit. Do you want to write a feature article?





Inquiry reflection

My blog post is about my ted talk that was about the white house and the history of it

I learned that the white house has 132 rooms and another thing I learned is that George Washington was the only president not to live in the white house and John Adams was the first

The hardest part was researching because you have to go to every website and make sure that you got all the information on that website. The presentation process was very stressful because you had to memorize the whole thing and I was the first person to go and it was really pressuring but when I finished it felt really good.

Know you know the history of the white house. Have you ever done a presentation


My two Favorite Specials

Did you know that 450 million people in the world play basketball? And did you know that art was an Olympic event? I mentioned basketball because it is my favorite part of PE. In this blog, I talk about my 2 favorite specials Art and PE. Also what I did in those specials.  I think art is the best special. Here is what I enjoyed in art and what I learned in art . I think art is the best because you are allowed to draw whatever you want and Mr. Bentley is really nice and never yells. I also like art because their projects are fun and if they are hard Mr. Bently will help. A project that was fun was the project where I made a super bowl poster and I had the chiefs and the 49ers . In art I learned how to draw and make a blank piece of l into colorful paper. My favorite project is the one where you draw a logo. I like drawing logos. I drew the Michigan college football team logo and the Ohio college football team logo and then I colored it and I liked it.  Another special that I like is PE. Here is some stuff that I enjoyed in PE and what I learned in PE. PE is fun but there are some units they I don’t like and good units like football and basketball but bad ones are jump roping and yoga. If it is a good unit then I like PE but if it is a bad unit I don’t like it because the other things I do in PE are stuff that I don’t like and I don’t want to do them.    learn in PE to keep stamina because every time in the beginning of PE we jog for 3 minutes so it teaches us to keep stamina. I enjoy the Basketball and football unit because they are 2 of my favorite sports and you do a contest at the end of each unit for the basketball and football unit and the games are really fun.  In conclusion I talked about my 2 favorite specials and what I learned and what I enjoyed. Have you ever done PE or art? 




First Week of 5th Grade

The tower is getting taller and taller then it falls and we have to restart..  1 minute you have to keep going, 30 seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it was over. I just described the Index Card Challenge that we did the first week of school. Read my blog post to see what I enjoyed doing so far the first week of school and the things I’m looking forward to doing in fifth grade.

Two things I enjoyed doing the first week are the index card challenge and the identity map. The index challenge had a couple rules.  The rules are you have 100 index cards, you have no materials, just index cards. You work in a group of four and you try to make the tallest tower of index cards and you have 15 minutes to do that. I liked the index card challenge because you had to think how to fold it and how to not make the structure fall over. I also liked it because you couldn’t make it too heavy or else it would fall over. My group used a strategy where you fold it then put layers on top but it wasn’t working so we tried a new strategy where you do even more layers and make it thicker and it worked 5 minutes left the teacher shouts 2 minutes  10 seconds 5,4,3,2,1 Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it was over they go to the first grope they say 10 inches they go to the next group 12 inches then they go to my group 13 inches we won! . Another thing I enjoyed the first week is the identity map. I liked the identity map because you could put anything you wanted on it. I put my favorite sports teams, for example, the Eagles, Knicks and the Rangers. Another reason I liked it is you are allowed to put any drawing you want on it. I drew those teams because they are my favorite teams in sports. 

Two things I am looking forward to are the hot dog field day and challenge course trip. Field day is a day at the end of the year where you do fun games outside like capture the flag tug-of-war and more. Classes compete against each other to see who is the winner. It is called hot dog field day because for lunch we get hot dogs. I like sports so I am excited. The challenge course trip is a field trip that has challenge courses. The challenge courses are courses that you have to get over obstacles. I’m excited because I’m getting over obstacles and figuring them out. 

In summary there are many fun things we did this year and are going to do this year.

Do you think fifth grade is fun