It feels good to be done. I am relieved that my project is over. I enjoyed the pictures because there were a lot of them. They also are fun to add because you are aloud to pick what ever one you want . The most challenging thing was recording because I always mess up. Some advice to future 4th graders is look at the parents.
Category Archives: Technology
Middle colonies reflection
First we had to pick which region and it was easy for me. I knew that I was picking Middle Colonies. Then we had to research the Middle Colonies. I got most of my information from Ducksters and books from the classroom. Then we had to pick if we were going to do a slideshow or an infographic. That part took me a while but I picked the infographic. Then I had to do the research for the infographic. Then I finished my project. It took me about 2 weeks.
My favorite part was typing and my least favorite part was researching. The hardest part for me was researching because it was hard to find the right information that I needed. The easiest part was typing because I am good at it. Overall, I liked this project and I would do it again.
Extreme Weather Ignite Reflection
Right when I started this project I thought it was going to be easy but down the road I realized that it was harder than I thought.
The first thing I had to do was research. All I did every day was get a book called Earthquakes. It gave me a lot of information. After that I went onto different sites and got the rest of my information.
I had to write my narrative. Then, I had to cut it down to make it my script. Then, I had to memorize my script. In my opinion that part was the easiest.
After that I had to do the slides. I did not like putting the slides in the middle. It was harder than I thought, then I practiced for a while and a week later I did it. I was so scared I thought I was going to mess up but I didn’t.
My favorite part was typing it because I like clicking the keys.
My least favorite was memorizing it because it took a while to memorize it and you could mess up at any moment. After the presentation I was really happy that it was over because it was pressuring me. If I could do it again and change anything I wouldn’t.
Persuasive Writing
You might be thinking kids need homework! But the truth is it is unhealthy for kids to work more after school when they already worked a full day. Most adults don’t even do that! Let’s get rid of homework for good!
One reason that kids should not have homework is because it stresses kids out. For example if it is late at night and you want to go to sleep but you have to do your homework and then you will get stressed out. Stress is not good for your body and can make you sick. Another example is if you didn’t do it at night you have to do it in the morning and in the morning you are probably sleepy and don’t want to do the work you might be thinking it doesn’t matter kids can do it in the morning but they don’t have time because they wake up 7:45 it takes 5 minutes to get dressed then 5 minutes to brush your teeth and wash your face and then breakfast takes 10 minutes to make and then eating breakfast takes 10 minutes then 5 minutes to put on your shoes then it is 8:20 then you have to go and you have no time for homework! Also in the morning people seem to get stressed out and frustrated more because they are rushing around.
Kids should not have homework because kids have sports and activities. For example, if you come back from sport and you just want to chill because you’re tired you have to do your homework. Another example is if you want to play outside you can’t because you have to do your homework so you have to stay in inside do your homework then when your done you only have like 10 minutes outside you can’t do it outside because you can drop it then it will get dirty and then you can’t do it and you should be able to enjoy nature and the outdoors. Another example is if you have a sport right after school you can’t do your homework till a sport or activity is done but when a sport and activity is done you probably want to hang out with your friends but you have to go back to your house do your homework then when your done it is probably to late or your not with your friend anymore so you can’t hang out.
Kids should not have homework because you can’t spend time with your family. For example if your grandparents come to your house and they want to hang out with you but you have to do your homework which takes like 45 minutes then you only have a few hours with them and that is not a lot and you could of had an extra 45 minutes and then you could spend more time with your grandparents. Another example is sleeping is 10 hours school is 6 hours homework is 1 hour then sports or activities which is 3 hours then you have to go to sleep and you have no time with your family and if there was no homework you would have an extra hour each day with your family and a hour each day is better than nothing and that is why there should be no homework.
You might be wondering, “my kid can complete homework and still have time for sports and spending time with family.” You might be right but that doesn’t reduce the stress that kids feel and how kids should really just spend time being kids! They’re only young once! Homework needs to be eliminated!
I learned to use a persuasive voice when I say you should appreciate him or there should be no that. I enjoyed typing it and I enjoyed recording. I picked my topic because I think kids do so much work at school they don’t need to give homework.
My Expert Book: Basketball
I came up with the idea to make a book about basketball because basketball was the first sport I ever played and because it is my favorite sport. The part that was most difficult for me was thinking of ideas and chapter names and subtitles names because it was hard to predict what the chapter would really be about. I needed the most help with the glossary because I only had 2 days and I needed to work on other stuff. I learned that maybe I need to manage my time a little better. My favorite part was linking the chapters to the page and the words to the glossary. I also enjoyed creating the cover page.
This is my expert book.
Thank you for reading.