Have you ever interviewed someone and learned something about them? In the immigration project that I did, I interviewed Aura, a Colombian immigrant. I think this project is really cool because it taught me a lot more about immigration than I thought I knew. I’m very happy I did it, because I learned so much about Aura and the process of her coming here. If you have any free time, try this too!
When I was preparing for the interview, I had to figure out what questions I wanted to ask Aura. Since she is my babysitter, it was kind of easy to come up with open-ended questions that I didn’t already know the answer to. The limit was 11-15 questions and I managed to get fourteen. I am very proud of myself because my questions were really good and I had a great amount. I also made an organizer to prepare myself for the interview. I made a grid in a google doc and it was really efficient for me to know where everything would go. The questions went on one side of the grid, and the answers to the questions went on the other side. I put the questions in order of: Before you left, when you arrived, and life now. I did this so I knew the order of the questions I am asking. I think this part of the process was really fun.
My experience of doing the interview was pretty great. It took a really long time but I got a ton of information out of it. Aura’s answers were very thorough and she gave me as much information as possible. She helped me so much and I’m very happy. The interview was done in the basement of my house, because we wanted to limit all noise and things that could get us distracted. My parents were out that night so it was pretty easy to get done. Since her answers were so awesome, it took an hour and a half but it was still worth it. Since it was in person, I had as much time as I wanted so that helped too. I learned that conducting an interview takes time and there is a process before the interview itself, but after you do your first one you realize it’s so fun! I learned so much about Aura but the thing I thought was most interesting was that she is a very dependent person. Now, I see her as independent but before she immigrated, she was dependent. She thought it was going to be hard when she was alone but it wasn’t. She always had people supporting her. I think overall, the interview was really great.
In conclusion, I think the process of the interview and questions was super awesome. I’m really happy I learned so much about Aura that I didn’t know before. This was a really cool thing and if you’ve never done an interview, I recommend you to try it!