I have had so much fun working with all the tools and making all different types off things. I would have never been able to do the things i did it tech. My favorite part was soldering becuase i could...Read More
this is my finished automata https://blogs.scarsdaleschools.org/nzoland25/files/2019/06/58282180148__308672B8-E996-4A75-A1F6-65E160C06432.mov I can’t wait for what to do next....Read More
I thought i finished my work, but then i realized i put hot glue in the wrong place. It made it so you couldn’t move my wheel. Then I had to unglue but still it had more flaws. There was still some ...Read More
When we had to think of ideas for our automata I thought “what do I like” I love Harry Potter so I thought it would be fun to make harry casting a spell. At first I wanted to make Harry on one sid...Read More
I thought “this will be an easy task”but it was not what i expected. We had to measure and draw it all perfectly. It was hard work but it was helpful in the end. Mine was shaped like a gun so the ...Read More