When I started to write my persuasive essay it was hard for me. But then it got a lot easier with the help of my teachers Mrs O’Neilll and Mrs DeGrazia because they really helped me through each part of the project and taught me different lessons. I had to come up with different ideas and include stories from my life and worked hard with the help of my teachers to push through and complete my persuasive essay. There was a fun part of this project by adding in mini stories and other fun details that make it a better essay. But some parts were really challenging like recording. The other parts were easy like making mini stories because they were real and happened to me.Some of the mini stories didn’t make sense so I worked with my teachers to make sense and it turned out amazing. During the recording I had to stop on each slide and listen to my recording to make sure it sounded right and made sense. The teachers helped me with my spelling and reading on my script so I could record myself. It turned out amazing!