Feature Article Reflection

I was going to make a Feature Article. My Feature Article is going to be about fortnite. So i had to get stared.

When I started my feature article I thought about what I am going to do for my topic.  I thought about what I am interested in and what I know a lot about. Do you know what came to my mind? I’ll give you a couple of seconds to guess. If you guessed, Fornite, you’re right. I love Fortnite! It is a  free and fun game. A feature article is something you don’t really need research on because I know a lot about Fortnite. I wrote a four page article about Fortnite and how to play. I used different subheadings like: The storm,weapons and items ,chapters in Battle Royal and many other different subheadings. This will help the reader understand what Fortnite is and how to play. The special weapons and guns I was writing about in this article were to teach people about how the game is fun! 

comparisons or creating an interesting introduction. What are you most proud of ? When I started actually writing my feature article I wanted to have a lot of pages and show a good portion of my work. So I decided to make many categories and choose very good images to express my words.  All of the pages were made in my own image.

All and all my Feature Article was about Fornite made thank you for reading.

Here is my feature article:

The First 5th Grade


Tap tap tap! “Oscar, it is the first day of school!” I said “NO! Not school!” I got dressed and ate some food then got on the bus. I thought oh no not school, when I was on the bus. In this essay I will talk about the first week of school and what I am looking forward to. 

These are some things I liked this year so far. I liked Home of the Brave and making identity maps. I like Home of the Brave because it was a good book. I liked the identity map because I like to make art. I liked the colors specifically. Because I like to use all the colors on the identity maps. 

Some things I am wanting to do this year are the halloween party. I am looking forward to  The volleyball game. And lastly, I am looking forward The hot dog field day. I am looking forward to the halloween party because I like halloween and I like parties. And I am looking forward to the volleyball game because I like to play games. And lastly, I am looking forward  to the hot bog field day because I like food. 

Last but not less this was the best first week of school.


Why everybody should have a grandma like me

When I started to write my persuasive essay it was hard for me. But then it got a lot easier with the help of my teachers Mrs O’Neilll and Mrs DeGrazia because they really helped me through each part of the project and taught me different lessons. I had to come up with different ideas and include stories from my life and worked hard with the help of my teachers to push through and complete my persuasive essay. There was a fun part of this project by adding in mini stories and other fun details that make it a better essay. But some parts were really challenging like recording. The other parts were easy like making mini stories because they were real and  happened to me.Some of the mini stories didn’t make sense so I worked with my teachers to make sense and it turned out amazing. During the recording I had to stop on each slide and listen to my recording to make sure it sounded right and made sense. The teachers helped me with my spelling and reading on my script so I could record myself. It turned out amazing!  

literary essay – Frog and Toad

At the beginning of writing my essay it was hard but my teachers helped me through the process of writing essays. I wrote an essay on Frog and Toad because I like the story. Ms D and I did it together to get it done. I look into the story to help me by adding details and my claim for my essay.  Many people also help me through the way like my teacher Mrs. DeGrazia and my teacher Mrs O’Neill. Also my two aides Ms. Siemsen and Ms. D helped me through the process of making my essay. It took a long time to write my essay but I think it was worth it and I feel good about my essay because I think everything is strong. I looked into the text and found stuff to support my claim.  I focused on how the characters’ feelings changed.



Frog and Toad

In the book Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel the character Toad’s feelings change from being concerned about his friend Frog to being relieved.

First, Toad went to Frog’s house and found a note that said,”I want to be alone” and that made Toad feel like Frog didn’t want to be friends with him anymore. Toad went looking for Frog and found him on an island. Then he tried to get his attention by taking off his jacket and waving it. Frog could not see or hear Toad doing this.This is important, because it shows that Toad is concerned about Frog and wanting to be his friend.   

In the middle of the story, Toad went home and he made sandwiches and iced tea and then rode a turtle to the island where Frog was. Toad brought the sandwiches to Frog and said that he made them to make Toad happy again. This shows that Toad is a concerned friend and wants to make sure that his friend is always happy.

In the end of the story, Toad’s feelings change from being concerned for Frog to being relieved. Toad was worried that Frog didn’t want to be friends but they still are friends. Toad told Frog that he woke up in the morning and was happy that he was a Frog and happy because Toad was his friend. Toad was relieved because he understood why Frog wanted to be alone. It wasn’t because he was sad. It was because he was very happy. Frog was happy to be alone so he had time to think of stuff to do with Toad. This all proves that Toads feelings changed. 

My Expert Book: Clone Wars

I picked Clone Wars because I like Clone wars. First I brainstormed for my topic by writing down my ideas on paper. Then I started practicing my writing. I decided that I knew the most about Clone Wars so I picked that. I broke it down into vehicles, characters, places and inquisitors. Writing about the inquisitors was the hardest part because I did not know as much about them. I needed the most help brainstorming for topics. My favorite part was adding pictures to the slides. The pictures added flavor to my writing. I learned that there are different rules when making the cover picture and that I could only use one picture. While I was writing I found out that I knew more about Clone Wars than I thought. I am happy with my final result and I feel that all of my hard work paid off. 

This is my expert book

thank you for reading

Jungle Rapids

My mom, my dad, my brother and I were going to Jungle Rapids. All morning in the hotel room I kept thinking that my mom was going to forget the Jungle Rapids Card. 

When we got into the car my mom said, “I have the card!” 

I thought to myself, “oh, thank god! I’m glad my mom didn’t forget the card.” 

The drive to Jungle Rapids felt like an hour because it was off the island. But really it was only fifteen minutes. 

We arrived at Jungle Rapids and checked in. 

My brother and dad went off to play their games. 

My mom and I went to play knock down the clowns. When we threw the balls they did not come back. We were  disappointed because we were in the middle of a game.  We asked an assistant, “can you help us?” 

He said, “yes!”  but he didn’t know how to fix it.

I looked around to see what other games there were to play. I spotted laser tag. “Mom, can I please play laser tag?” “ It is my favorite!” I exclaimed.

But it was closed. I was disappointed. So I went to play other games like Halo.

Then our card did not work because it didn’t have enough tickets on it. 

We got some candy and I slowly walked out of Jungle Rapids. I slithered to the car with my head down. “Back to the hotel I go,” I thought to myself.