Feature Article Reflection

I was going to make a Feature Article. My Feature Article is going to be about fortnite. So i had to get stared.

When I started my feature article I thought about what I am going to do for my topic.  I thought about what I am interested in and what I know a lot about. Do you know what came to my mind? I’ll give you a couple of seconds to guess. If you guessed, Fornite, you’re right. I love Fortnite! It is a  free and fun game. A feature article is something you don’t really need research on because I know a lot about Fortnite. I wrote a four page article about Fortnite and how to play. I used different subheadings like: The storm,weapons and items ,chapters in Battle Royal and many other different subheadings. This will help the reader understand what Fortnite is and how to play. The special weapons and guns I was writing about in this article were to teach people about how the game is fun! 

comparisons or creating an interesting introduction. What are you most proud of ? When I started actually writing my feature article I wanted to have a lot of pages and show a good portion of my work. So I decided to make many categories and choose very good images to express my words.  All of the pages were made in my own image.

All and all my Feature Article was about Fornite made thank you for reading.

Here is my feature article: