Feature Article Reflection

Have you ever made a feature article? Making a feature article is a lot harder than you think it is. My topic was about football players and that was very hard to think of. If you thought that was hard for me then keep reading to see what else was hard. Well, I was working on my feature article.

When I first started writing my feature article, my teachers said “ Guys I want you to think of a topic that you don’t have to search anything up for.” I thought to myself I could do basketball or football. Then, I said to myself I know a lot more about football than basketball. I should pick that. Then after, I chose my topic my teacher said “Think of 3-5 sections that you can explain in your feature article. I decided my 3 sections should be about NFL players, NFL positions, Training, and NFL schedule.  The next day my teacher said that I have to have a main idea about your topic. I thought I am done for!!!  But, then I thought of the main idea of how football players are another level of athleticism and I knew it was the one. I just had to tell my teachers and start writing. When I was writing my feature article I felt really into it and when I stopped writing my hands were very tired.

When I finished writing my feature article, my class and I went to the computer lab to start formatting how we want the feature article to lay out. When I started I thought that this was easy and I could do this in a day. Well, I guess I was wrong because it took 4 days. I was freaking out for a little and then started to put my text into the format and there it was finished. So I thought I had forgotten to add all of my images, vocab box, fun facts, and look over it. Then we went to the computer lab to learn other things and then I realized something  I DID NOT WRITE A CONCLUSION!!! I started writing it pronto and when I finished, really finished I told my teachers I finished and bam I was done.

I am very proud of myself for writing this feature article. I went through a lot of challenges during that time, some of the challenges are forgetting to write a CONCLUSION, and not knowing how to format. With all of those challenges come rewards that’s why I think it was all worth it in the end. 

In conclusion, I think that writing a feature article is a lot of fun. I also think that there are a lot of challenges that you face while making one. In the end I was very proud of myself. Thanks for reading you should now go try to write and post a feature article!!!

Read my feature article!!!

Vote for me

Hello I am Olivia and I will be running for president at Heathcote . You probably have a lot of questions like “ Why should I vote for you?!” One quality that I have is that I am a good leader and I want to give equality to Heathcote “ What will you do to help people?” Well today I will answer on why you should vote for me and what I would do for Heathcote.

The first thing that I would change as the Heathcote president is that I would have no more days where there is one grade that has blacktop days and field days. You are probably thinking why, well let me tell you. I think that all kids from different grades can play with each other and that we can play on blacktop and field on the same day. I will be trying to talk to Mr. Borgia to make it happen so we can have no more days of blacktop or field.

The second thing that I will be changing is longer snack time because as a kid at Heathcote I need some time to go outside more then eat my snack inside and eat it outside. I think we should do this because even though sometimes kids can get crazy after, I think that kids will focus better because after a break they can learn again and longer time means better time they focus. I will be talking to Ms. Cooper and Ms. Lattin to make a longer snack time a thing

 I think you guys got my point on why I think that I should be president like that I want a bigger snack time and no more blacktop and playground days, if you want to make all of this stuff happen then vote for Olivia Rosenberg. I have great leadership and I want to give Heathcote equality to everyone. Always remember to Live life the way you want it!


Board of Legislators Trip

When you hear that the first head legislator of Scarsdale is turning 100 years old this year you think what no wayyyyyy!!! That is what I thought when I heard that at the Board of Legislators Trip. Grab your popcorn and get ready to read more interesting facts about the Board of Legislators that will blow your mind away, and what are my favorite parts on that trip.

I did so many fun things on the Board of Legislators trip that I will be sharing with you.

The first thing that I enjoyed was the bus ride because I got to sit with my friends, and talk with them about a lot of stuff in Scarsdale when passing by stores and houses.

 We also sang we are going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship song. That goes like, “We are going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship zooming through the sky little einstein.” The second thing that I enjoyed was going on the vibe elevator going up to the floor. We had a lot of vibes on the elevator, meaning we jumped around a shouted elevator. Also my friends were on the elevator. The last thing that I will be sharing is when I was a public speaker. One time when I was a public speaker that day I got to speak first about the law and I said “ It  should not be a law because kids should have vending machines in school.” When I was a public speaker I got a script and got to tell the chairman Josh what my opinion was on the mock problem. Now get ready to read about what I learned about government.

I learned so many cool things at the  Board of Legislators trip and today I will share 3 facts that I learned. 

One thing that I learned there was that there are 17,646 people who live in Scarsdale, also I learned that Benjamin Boykin loves to visit each and every school in Scarsdale. The head legislator ( Benjamin Boykin) told us that when he asked us to ask questions. The second thing that I learned was that there are 17 legislators so when they vote on a bill it is an odd amount of votes so there is not a tie. I thought that that was very smart to do. The last thing that I learned at the Board of Legislators trip was that there are 1.3 million people in Westchester. That’s a lot of people. When I heard that number in my head I was like why is that number so high I definitely think it’s lower. That was the most memorable thing that I learned on the field trip.

Well that’s all I learned about and what I liked the most. I hope your mind was blown away and that you finished your popcorn. I hope you enjoyed it.


Last Year Here


Have you ever wondered what a 5th graders first week looks like? Or what they are looking forward to the most?  In this blog you will see a 5th grader’s perspective, and also what they are looking forward to. Hope you enjoy!

This past week I have done many new things as a 5th grader. One thing that I have done as a 5th grader is read home of the brave. I picked Home Of The Brave because it is a poem in a book and I like the story and where it takes place. One time when my class was doing a read aloud and I was having a lot of fun and usually I don’t but I liked it. The second thing that I have done this year is the index card challenge. An index card challenge is where you have 100 index cards and you have to make the tallest tower in the time span of 15 minutes. When I was doing it Josh, Talia, and the rest of my table were talking about a strategy. I felt really into it. When we started getting the tower really high I said in my head. “please god do not let this tower fall or else”.and when we built the tower we all felt like we did something and had a lot of fun.  The index card challenge was a lot of fun because it was a competition and I am very competitive. My table and I got as high as two rulers standing up. Two rulers standing up was enough to win. The last thing that I will be sharing about what I did the first week of school is sitting with my friends at lunch. I choose this because not all schools get to sit with their friends at lunch. The thing is that only 5th graders get to do it and we have to earn it. I have enjoyed sitting with my friends because my table when sitting with my class is far away and I can’t talk to my friends from there. Also I have not been In class with them so I never get to talk with some of them. One time when I was talking with my friends they told me to chug my water.  I did it and I thought Stupid! Why did I do that?  After my friend Josh squeezed the water and got all over my clothes but I kept chugging. OMG, HOW STUPID CAN BE!!!  Then Theo, my friend, squeezed it again and I was soaking wet. 

Here are a few things that I am most excited for this year as a 5th grader.

The first thing that I am looking forward to is the staff volleyball game. I am excited for it because I have looked at 5th graders doing it. From that day I have always wanted to do it. I am excited to also play with my friends. The second thing that I am most excited for is doing journalism this year. I picked this because I have always wanted to write something like a sports analyst,but I never got the chance to and now I do. The last thing that I am most excited for is curling with Mr. Borgia. The reason is because my grade and I have never done a physical field trip and now we finally get to.

Overall, you have learned what a 5th grader is looking forward to. You have also learned what it is like to be a 5th grader during the week of school. What would you be looking forward to the most as a 5th grader at Heathcote? Hope you enjoyed my blog post!!!