Feature Article Reflection

Have you ever made a feature article? Making a feature article is a lot harder than you think it is. My topic was about football players and that was very hard to think of. If you thought that was hard for me then keep reading to see what else was hard. Well, I was working on my feature article.

When I first started writing my feature article, my teachers said “ Guys I want you to think of a topic that you don’t have to search anything up for.” I thought to myself I could do basketball or football. Then, I said to myself I know a lot more about football than basketball. I should pick that. Then after, I chose my topic my teacher said “Think of 3-5 sections that you can explain in your feature article. I decided my 3 sections should be about NFL players, NFL positions, Training, and NFL schedule.  The next day my teacher said that I have to have a main idea about your topic. I thought I am done for!!!  But, then I thought of the main idea of how football players are another level of athleticism and I knew it was the one. I just had to tell my teachers and start writing. When I was writing my feature article I felt really into it and when I stopped writing my hands were very tired.

When I finished writing my feature article, my class and I went to the computer lab to start formatting how we want the feature article to lay out. When I started I thought that this was easy and I could do this in a day. Well, I guess I was wrong because it took 4 days. I was freaking out for a little and then started to put my text into the format and there it was finished. So I thought I had forgotten to add all of my images, vocab box, fun facts, and look over it. Then we went to the computer lab to learn other things and then I realized something  I DID NOT WRITE A CONCLUSION!!! I started writing it pronto and when I finished, really finished I told my teachers I finished and bam I was done.

I am very proud of myself for writing this feature article. I went through a lot of challenges during that time, some of the challenges are forgetting to write a CONCLUSION, and not knowing how to format. With all of those challenges come rewards that’s why I think it was all worth it in the end. 

In conclusion, I think that writing a feature article is a lot of fun. I also think that there are a lot of challenges that you face while making one. In the end I was very proud of myself. Thanks for reading you should now go try to write and post a feature article!!!

Read my feature article!!!

Last Year Here


Have you ever wondered what a 5th graders first week looks like? Or what they are looking forward to the most?  In this blog you will see a 5th grader’s perspective, and also what they are looking forward to. Hope you enjoy!

This past week I have done many new things as a 5th grader. One thing that I have done as a 5th grader is read home of the brave. I picked Home Of The Brave because it is a poem in a book and I like the story and where it takes place. One time when my class was doing a read aloud and I was having a lot of fun and usually I don’t but I liked it. The second thing that I have done this year is the index card challenge. An index card challenge is where you have 100 index cards and you have to make the tallest tower in the time span of 15 minutes. When I was doing it Josh, Talia, and the rest of my table were talking about a strategy. I felt really into it. When we started getting the tower really high I said in my head. “please god do not let this tower fall or else”.and when we built the tower we all felt like we did something and had a lot of fun.  The index card challenge was a lot of fun because it was a competition and I am very competitive. My table and I got as high as two rulers standing up. Two rulers standing up was enough to win. The last thing that I will be sharing about what I did the first week of school is sitting with my friends at lunch. I choose this because not all schools get to sit with their friends at lunch. The thing is that only 5th graders get to do it and we have to earn it. I have enjoyed sitting with my friends because my table when sitting with my class is far away and I can’t talk to my friends from there. Also I have not been In class with them so I never get to talk with some of them. One time when I was talking with my friends they told me to chug my water.  I did it and I thought Stupid! Why did I do that?  After my friend Josh squeezed the water and got all over my clothes but I kept chugging. OMG, HOW STUPID CAN BE!!!  Then Theo, my friend, squeezed it again and I was soaking wet. 

Here are a few things that I am most excited for this year as a 5th grader.

The first thing that I am looking forward to is the staff volleyball game. I am excited for it because I have looked at 5th graders doing it. From that day I have always wanted to do it. I am excited to also play with my friends. The second thing that I am most excited for is doing journalism this year. I picked this because I have always wanted to write something like a sports analyst,but I never got the chance to and now I do. The last thing that I am most excited for is curling with Mr. Borgia. The reason is because my grade and I have never done a physical field trip and now we finally get to.

Overall, you have learned what a 5th grader is looking forward to. You have also learned what it is like to be a 5th grader during the week of school. What would you be looking forward to the most as a 5th grader at Heathcote? Hope you enjoyed my blog post!!!

My Mom is the Best

Starting this essay I was a little worried because I did not know what to write about. Then I thought as hard as I could. I thought about doing a place but then I thought to myself what do I love the most? Afterwards, I thought my mom is the closest to me. Then I got started to write 3 reasons and 3 details for each that is about my mom.I choose She cooks for me, She takes care of me and she celebrates with me. After I put the 3 reasons and 3 details on a paper. Then my teacher checked over it. Once my teacher checked it I put all I wrote on a script. Then I went into the hallway to record in a box with a microphone and a soundproof box. It was hard to record because everyone was walking, talking, and opening their lockers. The hardest part was putting my essay on the computer into a script because it was hard to separate all of the words in different sections. The easiest part was picking a topic because It was from the heart. 

When I recorded then finished I felt very accomplished.

Literary Essay – Each Kindness

When I started writing my essay I was very scared because I thought “ Will this be a good essay.” After that I read books, “ Each Kindness , Those Shoes and Ruby the Copycat.” Then I wrote mini essays to get my mind thinking. “What essay will I choose?” After I read the books I chose the book “Each Kindness.” The hardest part about writing the essay was taking evidence from the text and incorporating it into my essay. Once I wrote my essay I had to elaborate on my writing by sharing why my evidence is important and supports my claim. My favorite part about writing my literary essay was seeing the finished results. When I published my essay I felt very accomplished with what I made. The most difficult part was revising my essay because I did not see any mistakes but when my teacher looked she said, “Are you sure that you checked it because I see a lot of mistakes.” I learned to check over my work even though the first time you don’t see anything “ CHECK AGAIN!” I also learned that you have to go back into the text to find evidence and lift a lot of lines.


Each Kindness

In the story Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson, the character Chloe is unkind.

One piece of evidence is that on the first day a new girl named Maya came in and took a seat next to Chloe and Maya smiled at Chloe. After that Chloe did not smile back at Maya. This proves that Chloe is unkind.

Another piece of evidence is that one day Maya came over to Chloe and her friends and showed her new jacks Maya got for her birthday and said, “ It’s a high bouncer.” After Chloe said “ None of us want to play.” Then Maya played all by herself. This is important because Maya really wanted to play with someone but Chloe said she didn’t want to play. This shows that Chloe is unkind.

My final piece of evidence is that one day Maya came to the class and Maya said to Chloe, “I bet you can’t guess who the new Jacks Champion of the world is.” After Andrew said to Chloe “Chloe’s got a new friend, Chloe’s got a new friend.” After Chloe said, “ She’s not my friend.” This is important because Maya wanted to have a friend but Chloe is saying NO! This is another example that Chloe is unkind.

Chloe had many chances to be nice but she chose not to be kind. This all proves that Chloe is unkind.

My Expert Book: All About Basketball

When I started writing this expert book I had to think of what I was an expert at. I thought of basketball. After we chose a book topic we chose what the chapters would be. After that we had to think of subheadings. When we finished that we had to start finding information. I used books on Epic by K.C Kelly to help me find more research. After I found all the information I needed, I started drafting. I wrote all three chapters. Later, we started revising and editing. We added timelines, mini stories, and compare and contrast text structures. 

When I started to write an introduction. We had to think of all the chapters that I drafted. I learned that an introduction could have play on words, I could ask questions to build on curiosity. When I finished writing my introduction, I started typing my expert book on my Chromebook. Mr. Casal helped us through the journey to publish my book. I had to insert  pictures in my expert book. Then my teacher said, “We have to add text features.” 

I learned a lot from writing my expert book. I can write an introduction and I know a lot more basketball facts than I thought. I also am surprised how fast I can write on a Chromebook and how much I know about nonfiction now.

This is My Expert Book

Thank you for reading

Passed Out

It was a bright sunny afternoon at Disneyland in California. I was with my family. I was having so much fun, but I didn’t know what was coming for me.

My sister Allie said, “Hey Livy do you want to go on a scary roller coaster?”

I noticed the ride Allie was talking about but all I said was… “Yeah sure I’m not a coward, we do need to tell mom though.”

“Ok,” Allie exclaimed.

 I ran to tell my mom, “Hey mom can I go on the Increda coaster?” I questioned.

My mom said, “Yeah sure, why not?”

I complained to my mom, “ Well maybe I might not be tall enough!”

My mom said, “Ok let’s go see.”

While I was walking I thought to myself. Will I be tall enough? Will I wait in this line for nothing? I stepped on the tape measure… I was tall enough! I went to tell Allie and she was so so excited.

We went in the line and luckily we had a lightning lane. After we were about to go on the ride, I got really nervous.

Allie said, “ It’s ok, I’m nervous too.”

“Thanks Allie you’re the best sister,” I announced. 

It was time to go on the ride. I walked through the tunnel.  As I walked I saw photos on the tunnel walls of people who went on the ride. Most of the people in the photos had their eyes shut. I thought to myself, why does everyone have their eyes shut? My heart was racing at the speed of light. 

I put on my seatbelt and Allie held my hand and squeezed it tightly. 

“Well this is it, the ride we’ve been waiting for,” I exclaimed. As I sat in my seat, the coaster thought we were one of the Incredibles.

“Three, two, one!” The speakers announced. When the ride started, we felt like we were one of the actual superheroes. The water rose up from the ground, then the ride took off.

The ride started moving. I wondered to myself, Will this be the end of my life? Mom dad if you hear me, I love you. It was slow but then it got faster and faster and faster. 

Then all of a sudden, it blasted off. “SWOOSH!” Allie squeezed my hand hard.

Then I screamed, “Allie remember me how I was!”

Allie screamed,“Ok.”

There was a loop de loop coming up but I couldn’t see because … I PASSED OUT. My mouth flopped up and down then Allie woke me up.

Then I finally woke up but I woke up at the wrong time. We were upside down. It felt like we were upside down like we were in space and there was no gravity. After the loop de loop. I PASSED OUT AGAIN!

It got faster and faster and we got to a drop. The ride went side to side, up and down, diagonal  to diagonal. Then the ride came to an end. 

I jumped off but I was silent until I said… 

“Can we go please go again?” I asked.

“NO!” Allie protested.

“Please pretty please.” I said.

After I ran to my mom I gave her a huge hug. She hugged me back strongly. Right as her arms wrapped around me I knew I was safe.