Feature Article Reflection

Have you ever made a feature article? Making a feature article is a lot harder than you think it is. My topic was about football players and that was very hard to think of. If you thought that was hard for me then keep reading to see what else was hard. Well, I was working on my feature article.

When I first started writing my feature article, my teachers said “ Guys I want you to think of a topic that you don’t have to search anything up for.” I thought to myself I could do basketball or football. Then, I said to myself I know a lot more about football than basketball. I should pick that. Then after, I chose my topic my teacher said “Think of 3-5 sections that you can explain in your feature article. I decided my 3 sections should be about NFL players, NFL positions, Training, and NFL schedule.  The next day my teacher said that I have to have a main idea about your topic. I thought I am done for!!!  But, then I thought of the main idea of how football players are another level of athleticism and I knew it was the one. I just had to tell my teachers and start writing. When I was writing my feature article I felt really into it and when I stopped writing my hands were very tired.

When I finished writing my feature article, my class and I went to the computer lab to start formatting how we want the feature article to lay out. When I started I thought that this was easy and I could do this in a day. Well, I guess I was wrong because it took 4 days. I was freaking out for a little and then started to put my text into the format and there it was finished. So I thought I had forgotten to add all of my images, vocab box, fun facts, and look over it. Then we went to the computer lab to learn other things and then I realized something  I DID NOT WRITE A CONCLUSION!!! I started writing it pronto and when I finished, really finished I told my teachers I finished and bam I was done.

I am very proud of myself for writing this feature article. I went through a lot of challenges during that time, some of the challenges are forgetting to write a CONCLUSION, and not knowing how to format. With all of those challenges come rewards that’s why I think it was all worth it in the end. 

In conclusion, I think that writing a feature article is a lot of fun. I also think that there are a lot of challenges that you face while making one. In the end I was very proud of myself. Thanks for reading you should now go try to write and post a feature article!!!

Read my feature article!!!