My class did the state test it was so so so so not fun and my teacher had to give a speech that was kinda weird because we could not have phones and if we did we had to give it to my teacher and I’m only in 3RD GRADE! And she sounded like a robot alien because every teacher was saying the same thing and she literally sounded like a robot: “beep bop no phones allowed or music devices or anything that dings and receives texts or messages if you don’t give it to me than your test answers don’t count” see very boring and she said that all three days. 🙁
I had to read so much and then write responses about the passages. There was one passage that was so awesome it was about a woman who struck out Babe Ruth!
When I was done I read a book. The books I read were very good these are the books I read: DAY 1, Ida B. DAY 2, Ramona Quimbly Age 8. DAY 3 James And The Giant peach.
My least favorite day was day three because there was an interesting article about a man who balances rocks for a living and then came the questions that were impossible and made the article boring.
Other than all of this doing the state test was a great experience for me and I think that every upcoming year it will get much easier.