3D Book of the Month

One Plastic Bag

We read a book called One Plastic Bag in school and it was mainly about some woman in Gambia who helped clear plastic bags in Gambia by reusing plastic bags and making purses out of them.


My favorite part was when they turned them into purses and everyone made fun of them. One person started to laugh at them, and then two, and then ten, and then somebody bought one and then a bunch of people bought them.


This book reminded me of a video about two girls who are trying to clear all the plastic bags in Bali by 2018 and this year is 2017. Now in Bali there are no plastic bags!


The message of this book is not to throw away plastic bags therefore reuse them and recycle them and use reusable bags.


I think that what those woman did is something that people do on a YEARLY BASES!


This made me think about how much I use plastic bags and just throw them away.

Image result for one plastic bag


TED Talk


This video is about two girls who are 12 & 11 and they want to ban plastic bags in Bali because there are so many there.


My favorite part was when they go on a food strike so the mayor will help them this shows how determined they are.


This video reminded me of of the green club in my school that try to keep the environment green and try to help the environment.


The message of this video is to give some information of why plastic bags are bad and why not to use them.


I think this because they are mainly talking about banning plastic bags.