The History of Typography

During our class time in the computer lab, Mr. Casal showed us a video about the history of typography. After watching  this video I learned that there are actually a lot of types of typography. Also the style of the video was really cool because it was like magic, the letters could just get bigger or change the style that they were previously in.


There were a lot of inventors of typography! Most of the type faces were really weird. Here are all the names of the inventors of typography: William Caslon, Friedrich Guttenburg, Nicolas Jenson, Aldus Manutius, John Baskerville, Firmin Didot, Giambattista Bodoni, Vincent Figgins, Frederic Goudy, Eric Gill, Paul Renner, and William Caslon the 4th.

Here is the video we watched in class:


The History of Typography by Ben Barrett-Forrest from Dezeen on Vimeo.



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