I have started the Technology subject. This is different than Computer Tech if you have seen my earlier posts. We get to build things out of paper, cardboard, and wood. Right now we are building an automata which is a machine that does something in place of a human. We are cutting out and assembling […]
Month: April 2021
Spreadsheet Skills
In this spreadsheet I show the amount of people per square mile in each state. In the chart I show how much of the United State’s population is in each state. For the formula I did the value in column C (population) divided by column B (square miles). Using a spreadsheet makes it easy to […]
Starting Swift Playgrounds + Anyone Can Code Video
In the video a doctor helps with coding so her patients can be healthy. That is kind of crazy. I thought only coders could code. In her coding, she made an app/website to help patients. Keira (the girl featured throughout the video) says “anyone can do and understand code.”
Tynkering in Other School Subjects
I did one math and one english activity in Tynker. They were both fun. In the math one I made it so you get asked questions and you have to answer them correctly. In the english program you get asked questions with blanks. In the blanks you have to choose less or fewer. In this […]
Swift Playgrounds
This week in Computer Technology we coded in Swift Playgrounds. Here is a picture of what I coded and the output. In my program, I tried to make a hate machine. This robot hates you, even if it doesn’t know you. It was challenging to write because the capitalization, spelling, and grammar need to be […]