2nd Plants blog post

My controlled is much better than my manipulated. It is 11 ½ cm tall. My controlled is green. There are 6 flowers, 2 buds, and 5 leaves. It is growing upwards. I think that it is growing about ½ a cm a day. It seems to have grown 9.5 cm since we first started observing […]

1st Plants Blog Post

My experiment is to put the plant in the cabinet. Will it be the same? I really like my hypotheses, here it is: If I put the plant in the cabinet then the plant will be a different color because it does not have enough light. My controlled variables are all the good stuff: light, […]

Maglev Day #1

A maglev train is a magnetic levitation train. It works by magnents repeling. My group’s idea for the car was to put 1 strip magnet on each side and 2 disc magnets in the middle. My group’s idea for the track was to put 6 disc magnets in the middle  and 1 strip magnets on […]

Technology is…

Technology is something people make to solve a problem. My technology is a dry erase marker. What makes my object technology is man made and it helps solve a problem. The problem that it helps solve is that you do not have to write on a chalkboard. It makes life more easy because it is […]

The History Of Typography

During our class time in the computer lab, Mr. Casal showed us a video about the history of typography. After watching the video I thought that it was different from what videos I normanley see, because a man was moving around paper. What I learned was who crated Blackletter he was Yohanes Gotanberg.  William Caslon […]