Tech post 9

This week we did a electric car game with the switches we made. Look at my previous blog post to find out about those. We hooked up the switches to three different lights. One switch had one light. One meant right, one meant left, and one meant stop. Two people were throwing down cards from […]

Technology – Week 5

We started a wooden light switch. First we had to find out what parts we needed for the different types of light switches. Then we decorated all of the parts. We drilled holes in the base. We sanded some parts. We glued and assembled the final products. Now I have a fully functional wooden light […]


I have started the Technology subject. This is different than Computer Tech if you have seen my earlier posts.  We get to build things out of paper, cardboard, and wood. Right now we are building an automata which is a machine that does something in place of a human. We are cutting out and assembling […]