Ignite Talk Reflection

For my ignite I had to find info about the extreme weather I was assigned I had to look on websites like Epic and Kiddle to find info about my extreme weather (blizzards) and write them in my reading notebook then I had to organize them based on what kind of jot they were for example history, fact, or statistic we had to write a specific topic about our extreme weather.

One challenge for me was finding a specific topic the one I picked at first (what makes a snowstorm a blizzard) was okay but I could hardly find any information for it, so because I had already organized all my information and jot based on what kind of jots they were I had to find which type of jot I had the most of  the one I had the most of was the most severe blizzards in history like the Iran blizzard and the Children’s blizzard so I made my new research topic how deadly are blizzards. One thing that was not that challenging for me was making my presentation exactly 105 seconds at first it was a little hard finding out which facts to delete but after I did that and put my narrative into my script and I first timed it was exactly 105 seconds.

The part of this ignite that I loved was learning about blizzards a lot of the facts I learned were really cool and surprising the part that I didn’t like as much was deleting my fact to make room for my thoughts on the process. I feel like I really included my reflection on the process in my ignite. I feel like the hardest part was deleting my research to make room for my reflection on the process. Overall I’m proud of my final product.

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