Theme of A Night Divided

In the book A Night Divided, the theme of resilience and willingness to go against the crowd is very prevalent. The protagonist, Greta, is miserable in East Germany. All she wants is to reach the west and be with her brother and father. She is forced to act as if she loves it in East Germany, yet in truth she despises it. Greta is constantly thinking of ways to escape to the other side, and can’t think of one. She can’t stand living a fake life and always having to be contained. “I wanted a home without hidden microphones, and friends and neighbors I could talk to without wondering if they would report me to the secret police.” However, one day, she receives a picture from someone, although it is an undisclosed name. She knows that her father sent her a picture of the place where he knows she can escape. Her friend Anna is the one who delivered the picture to her as she was the one who received the letter for Greta. Anna states that she is done helping Greta in any way and that Greta needs to accept who she is. However, this is not what Greta does. She continues to fight for what she believes. In addition to this, Greta even runs into a problem with the secret police, and doesn’t even back down from that encounter. Furthermore, Greta’s own mother tells her that she has to accept East Germany, yet all of this makes Greta more determined. She and her brother begin to dig an underground tunnel in order to reach the west. All of this leads back to resilience. Everyone tells Greta to give the thought of leaving East Germany up, however she remains resilient and truly wants to leave. In relating to the present day world, the only way to accomplish your goals, no matter how big or small, is to be resilient. Tons of people may tell you to quit and at times you may want to quit as well. However, pushing through the hate will always triumph and lead to good things.

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