Capstone Blog Post #3

Capstone was really fun. There were lots of challenges on the way but it feels good to be done after working on it for so long. The research I found was really interesting. I realized that there is a lot more to topics than you think. I found it really fun looking through all the information about the black death. Another thing I found very fun was writing the script because I just really liked it.

I chose The Black death because I find it very interesting and I have always wanted to work in medicine like being a surgeon so I thought it was the right choice. My other option was the ISS but since iI do space a lot for my projects. I wanted to try something new for a change and I think I made the right choice because I really loved learning about the black death. One thing I found quite challenging was if two websites said opposite things and then having to decide which one was telling the truth or not. Usually, if that happened I would just look at other websites to see if all of them agree with one or the other. I think that was the only big challenge apart from finding the right photos. 

Before we made are video we had to do some research. We had to come up with 5 different resources to get your information from and you had to say why it is a good website and things like when it was published. Then we put that research into the slide show to then later on put into our narrative and then into a video. The research, I found was quite fun, and it was exciting to learn about your topic.

Capstone was a really fun experience to do like learning about your topic and even seeing other people’s slideshows and learning about theirs. I think sharing will be a very fun experience to share what I have been working on for months.