The first unit in science is rocketry. We were put into groups and we had to go through a process and eventually launch paper rockets that we made as teams. I have been looking forward to this unit all of last year. I just hope it goes well.
The first step for Rocketry is to research as much as you can on rockets. After that we had to get with our groups and come up with a team name. Our group argued over a lot of different names. We finally settled on Blast Off!!! because everyone seemed to like that.
The next step in the process was to make an inspiration board on google drawing. We had to put facts, diagrams and quotes. My group got into a lot of arguments. One was over what quotes and facts we should put on. Another was on which diagrams to put on the google drawing. In the end my group agreed on certain things and were ready to print.
The step after that was to print out the images and facts from the google drawing and put them on a big poster board. We argued over how to put the pictures on the board and which pictures to print out in color. Other things we agreed with though like which pictures to print out. Eventually our poster board was finished and it looked great. We ended up in front of all the other groups.
When we completed the inspiration board our job was to now come up with our first rocket idea. 2 people came up with one idea while another kid and I came up with another idea. We couldn’t decide who’s to use. Eventually we all voted on which one to keep and 3 people voted for one idea and 1 person came up with another. So we used the one the other kid and I came up with.
The building step was fun but hard. We learned how to make a nose cone with just one piece of paper!! Our group made a long nose cone thinking it would be better than making a small or medium sized one. For the fins we decided to go with four because we thought the balance would be better than three. We wanted the skinny PVC pipe for more concentrated air flow. We went with a skinnier body. Then the rocket will fit over the pipe. The rocket will shoot up. Of course as usual our group got into a lot more arguments. One was what colors for the rocket we should put on. I came up with an idea where the first launch two people get what they want and the second the other two people get what they want. Some people in our group didn’t like that idea. Finally everyone agreed on certain colors. The second argument was on how much tape should go on the nose cone. Everyone finally agreed on putting a lot of tape but not going over the top with it. The reason that’s what we did was because we wanted the rocket’s nose cone to be sturdy and not fly off. We didn’t put too much tape on because the tape might have weighed the rocket down, the rocket wouldn’t of went as high.
The building and designing was fun but hard. I learned a lot about how to make and put together a paper rocket. Now we just have to see how our rocket does when we launch.