The Rocket launch was super fun. I was just as excited as everyone else, if not more. I couldn’t wait to see all the rockets soaring through the sky higher than the birds. Well everyone’s rockets did except for my group. The nose cone blew clean off right when we released the rocket. Boy were we disappointed. All this hard work for a broken rocket.
Just as everyone in my group (Including me) were dragging our body’s away, our teacher surprised us. She said we could run inside, rebuild our rocket, run back outside and launch again. So we did, running at top speed back to the classroom, built as fast as we could and them came running back out confident in the rocket that was in my hands.
Before I knew it, we were counting down till launch. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 release!!! We watched in amazement as our rocket went shooting up to the clouds.Going, going, gone, soon we could not see it, then the rocket came flying back down. Everyone in my group was super happy. The rocket went a lot higher than we thought. The nose cone landed in the ground and when a classmate pulled it out, the nose cone was all bent and ruined. But after what I just saw, a broken nose cone didn’t bother me one bit.
When everyone got inside, each group had to make a graph of how high the rocket went. Our second launch went 146 feet high!!! I made a graph of our first launch. That one went 8 feet high. I used a ruler to get it exact but I kept messing up. With all the erasing marks the paper looked messy and hard to read, so I asked the teacher for another piece of paper and on my second try, I got it right.
Our group got the third highest out of six groups. We were in the top three. When I got home I raced into the kitchen to tell my mom about it. I even showed her the video of the launch. She thought it was amazing. From what I saw, it was.