Rocketry Reflection

I think that rocketry was really, really fun and I enjoyed everything about it. I learned a lot about how a rocket works and how to make a paper one. It was a cool unit and I would do it all over again if I could. 


Making the slideshow was fun too. We got to put in everything we learned about Rocketry. We had to keep the slideshow consistent. Our group put in pictures of our designs, of us building, the final rocket, and a video of the launch. We did that for all three rockets plus some information about Trust, Drag, Lift and the flight of a rocket. We will show the slideshow to the parents. We want it to be very good.


Our team did not work very well together. We argued a lot and got into fights over what we should put on the rocket and slideshow. One thing we argued about was what color the rocket should be. The final colors were yellow, red, green and white. Another argument was what pictures did we want to print in color and which ones in black and white for our inspiration board. When our group didn’t argue, we worked well and got a lot done. 


Overall I think rocketry was really fun and I loved building then launching. The only thing that was annoying was the occasional yelling and arguing. Other than that I would do the whole unit over again.

Launching and Graphing Rocket #3

For the third launch the parents came. We wanted this rocket to go the highest and do the best. Our group worked really hard designing and building so I hoped the hard work would pay off. 


As the group before us finished it came time for our group. When I walked over to the button pressing station, I put on my goggles tension rising. Everyone was looking. On the other hand, I was super excited. I couldn’t wait for the rocket to go zooming up. Only to get pulled by gravity back to earth. Soon the countdown started, !0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Release!!! I watched as the rocket went soaring up to the sky. As the rocket fell back down, everyone was clapping. The rocket even stayed in one piece. Nothing moved or changed. I was so happy, the rocket was a success!!! 


Back in the classroom, we were graphing our results. The graph is hard to line up and mine is always inaccurate and not straight with a lot of erase marks. We chose the best graph as our final one. The rocket went 136 feet!! We were all super happy. That went the second highest out of our three rockets.