Best of the Best

Wilt Chamberlain, all he did was win, he scored 100 points in one game, that led him to fame

Michael Jordan, he was so good, he could do anything, anything he should

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, invented the hook shot, could do it so well he didn’t get blocked

Allen Iverson, crossed people up, he could run so fast no one could keep up

Magic Johnson, Big man running point, he did so well, he didn’t disappoint

Larry Bird, he was absurd, making threes everyday, even against the bay (the warriors)

These are some of the best, from the east and from the west.

These are, the best of the best


Research Project

In reading, we have been studying how to research. We were assigned an animal and we had to research that animal then we would have to put that into a slideshow. First we had to come up with subtopics. My groups subtopics were Habitat, Hunting, Dangers to Polar Bears, Polar Bear Cubs and Polar Bear Bodies. Then we had to gather as much information as we could. Finally we had to put that information into a slideshow. We organized our research by getting a packet and putting the subtopics on the top of the page then we would write the information on the page that has that subtopic. The most important thing I learned about the research process is that it takes time to research and put it into a slideshow. It’s not one of those things where you can just rush. You have to take it step by step.


After this project, I took everything that I learned about research and used that in my country research project. I did the same process as I did with the animal research project. Everything that I remembered about the research process when we did the animals I applied to the country research project. We did the same thing with the subtopics except  we did the five Cultural Universals, Social Aspects, Politics, Economy, Beliefs and Cultural Arts. My title of the Cultural Universals project is Spain. My favorite part of this project is probably when we had to type inside of the speech bubble. I liked putting in the information. I think finding the right picture was the hardest.


Plant Post#2

Our controlled plant grew about a half a centimeter tall each day. Our manipulated plant shrunk about a half a centimeter a day. On the manipulated plant the leaves started turning brown and yellowish. The controlled plant stayed green. The manipulated plant started falling over. The Controlled plant grew about one more centimeter then the Manipulated plant a day.

Our hypothesis was right. Do plants need sunlight to live? Yes! When we gave our plant no sunlight it eventually died. That means plants need sunlight to grow.

Plant Post #1

In class we have been studying plants. My group had to come up with something to manipulate that we would normally give to the plant. We decided to take away light, that way the plant will not get any light. We thought the plant would die but we still wanted to see what would actually happen. Our control plant (That’s the one with all the normal things a plant would get) got fertilizer, water, light, space, seeds and soil. Our manipulated plant I took away any light. I would like to see if no light would change the height of the plant.

Over the course of the week the controlled plant has grown an average of 1 and a half centimeters a day. Our manipulated plant didn’t grow but it shrunk about half a centimeter a day. After a few days the manipulated plant started to turn a light green yellowish type of color then the plant turned brown. The controlled plant stayed green the whole time. The manipulated plant is falling over and starting to die. The controlled plant is leaning and getting tangled, maybe that’s because it’s so big? But it still looks healthy. The controlled plant grew about 2 centimeters more than the manipulated plant.


Maglev Train Blog Post #3

This is our final Maglev Train design. It was able to carry 13 blue beads across the track.

What we improved to our maglev train was that on the track we added two more strip magnets to one of the sides of the track. Then we added two more magnets to the other side of the track. Now there are three strip magnets on both sides because before we added magnets there was already one strip magnet on both sides. We kept the train the same.

Our final design for the train was one strip magnet (This strip magnet fits the length of the train) on both sides. Our final design for the track was three strip magnets (This strip magnet fits the length of the track) on both sides. I think our train was successful because we had to carry marbles across the track on the train. In past experiments that we have done we saw the more magnets you add to the bottom the stronger the force. That’s why we added magnets only to the track because the track is under the train. If the marbles are pushing down onto the track we have to add more magnets to the track to keep the train levitating above the track.

I learned that a Maglev train can float above the tracks. I also learned that engineers go through a whole process until their design is  fully complete. What I realized is that when you work with a group everybody has to work as a team. We have to listen to each other. I think working with a group is cool because you get to hear other people’s perspective compared to yours.

Maglev Train Blog Post #2

Today we got our train to levitate above the tracks. When we gave it a push it successfully went from one side of the track to the other without falling down onto the tracks. We got it to work!!! YES!!! What we did today was we put two of the strip magnets that were the length of the track on the outer part of the track. Then on the bottom of the train we put two strip magnets that fit the length of the train on the outer part of the train.

At first when we gave the train a push, we pushed the train a little bit to hard. So we learned any design could work if we pushed it from one side to the other. That’s why we had to give it a little push and see if it worked with only a little push.

Next time when we design the train we have to improve our train design so that we could make it work with marbles so it could represent people. I think when we put marbles on the train it will be a lot harder because  we’ll have to make the train work even though there is a lot of weight on the train.

Maglev Train Blog Post #1

This is our Maglev train design changed a little bit.

In class we have been working on maglev trains. I know you’re probably thinking, “Well, what is a Maglev train?” A maglev train is a type of train that can float above the tracks by using magnets. My group’s idea for creating the maglev train was to put nine ring magnets onto the bottom of the train. Then we put two strip magnets onto the middle of the track and we put as many ring magnets as we could fit around the outside of the track, which was around the strip magnets. But we have to put the same poles (north to north or south to south) of the train’s magnets and the track’s magnets face each other so they repel and the train will float.

But today when we tested our design out, sadly it failed. What happened was that we put our train above the tracks and gave it a push to start it going. What was supposed to happen was that the train was to get from one side to the other side of the box without touching the tracks by using the magnets on the tracks and on the bottom of the train. When we put the train on the tracks, it started to levitate but when we gave it a push it fell to the ground.

My experience working with my group was pretty good. We were arguing over which idea we should test out and we were talking over each other a little bit. But besides those things we worked really well together. Our next design will definitely work!!!


My Expert Book – 3L

My expert book is called “How to Play Basketball.” What inspired me to write about this topic is my dad. He used to play basketball when he was younger and has helped me improve playing the game.

First I had to come up with different chapters. I had to also come up with information to support my chapter titles. I also had to get pictures to support my writing.Then I had to find different words in my writing to put in my glossary. Finally, I had to put all of my writing together and form an introduction. It was hard to come up with an introduction. I actually came up with a few introductions, but I tried to choose the best one and put that in my writing. It was also kind of tricky finding pictures that fit with what I was writing. I enjoyed creating links to the different chapters. I also loved making transitions.

I worked super hard and put a lot of effort towards writing this “How to Play Basketball” book. I hope you will like and enjoy my book.

The Falcon’s Feathers

The book I recommend is  ” The Falcon’s Feathers” by Ron Roy. It’s part of the A – Z mysteries series.




In the book The Falcon’s Feathers by Ron Roy,  Dink, Josh and Ruth Rose live in Greenlawn, Connecticut. Where they encounter a lot of mysteries. One day Josh saw falcons in a nest in the woods. The next day he shows Dink and Ruth Rose. But there’s one problem the falcons are gone! The kids went to the vet Mrs.  Wong. She gave them a card for the department of environmental protection. Josh dialed the number. Josh said “someone’s going to go and take a look”. Do you think they will find who or what took the falcons? Read this book to find it out. I think this is a great series because it gets your thinking going. I recommend reading this book.