Capstone Blog Post #3

Working on my final project was the hardest part of the Capstone process. In this blog post I will be telling you what went well with this phase and what I had a hard time with. 

Some parts of this phase in the Capstone process were really hard. Including writing my script. When I was writing my script, I took information from my Capstone note-taking slides and worded them so they sounded better. When I tried rewording the script though, my mind went completely blank. It was very hard. Eventually, after what felt like a year (it was really only a few days), my script was finished. 

The next step I needed to complete was to copy and paste everything into an organizer. Then, I had to figure out what pictures would be good for my script. I needed to find pictures that would match what I was saying. When I was talking about brass screws, I had to find a picture with brass screws. When I was talking about Derek Jeter, I had to find a picture of Derek Jeter. I did that until all of my pictures were found. Then it was time to move onto the next step.

Putting together the actual video wasn’t that hard. It was just very time-consuming. It wasn’t that hard because I just needed to say my script while recording. It was time-consuming because I had a very long script and it took a long time to find good pictures that were labeled for reuse. A lot of my pictures are blurry though because not many pictures available for reuse are of high quality. My process for putting together the video was to read my organizer to see what picture for that slide I needed. Then, I looked on the web for the photo I needed. I used the button to filter the search. I filter the search so that only photos labeled for reuse pop up. Then I tried to find a good, clear, high-quality photo. If I could find one like that, then I use that one. If I can’t find a photo like that, then I find the best photo I could find. After I find the photo, I save the photo. I go back onto the video tab and add an uploaded photo. I select the photo I want. Once I get the photo I want into that slide, I would look at my script organizer for what I was going to say. If the narration for that slide is short, then I memorize that sentence and record it. If the narration for that slide is long, then I copy and paste the text onto the video slide and record myself reading off of the screen. And then the slide would be done. I did that for over 50 slides and finally, after a couple of days, I was finished. 

Making the final video was easy and hard in different ways. I tried my best to make the best video I possibly could. In the end, I am proud of my video because I put a lot of thought and effort into it. I really enjoyed Capstone and I wish we could do it again.

The Falcon’s Feathers

The book I recommend is  ” The Falcon’s Feathers” by Ron Roy. It’s part of the A – Z mysteries series.




In the book The Falcon’s Feathers by Ron Roy,  Dink, Josh and Ruth Rose live in Greenlawn, Connecticut. Where they encounter a lot of mysteries. One day Josh saw falcons in a nest in the woods. The next day he shows Dink and Ruth Rose. But there’s one problem the falcons are gone! The kids went to the vet Mrs.  Wong. She gave them a card for the department of environmental protection. Josh dialed the number. Josh said “someone’s going to go and take a look”. Do you think they will find who or what took the falcons? Read this book to find it out. I think this is a great series because it gets your thinking going. I recommend reading this book.