Since this rocket is the last one we will do, everyone in my group wants it to go the highest out of all of them. The parents were coming and we wanted to make this our best work. To do this though, we will have to work really hard and not fool around.
When our group started designing our first rocket on google drawing we didn’t know what to make and how to make the rocket, but now that we are on our final rocket, everyone in our group knows how to make one. It didn’t take long and once we were finished the rocket looked pretty good. We all decided on changing the rocket so the nose cone was taped on the outside of the rocket instead of on the inside.
The next step in the process was to start building. Our group’s final rocket colors were green and yellow. We decided to name the rocket, The Lemon-Lime Rocket. So someone wrote it on the side of the rocket. First we tried making the body. When it was finished, it was too big and thick, so we tried again and this time the body was good. The next thing for the rocket was the nose cone. After a few tries the nose cone was pointy and not too thick. Soon we taped the two together. Then it came time to make the fin design. Everyone sketched one out and we agreed to use the best one. After the fins were cut out on cardboard, we started hot gluing. Three people got to glue one fin fully on. One person glued the borders of each fin making sure they were on tight and wouldn’t fall off during the launch.
We all felt confident in this rocket. We worked hard and gave our best effort. Hopefully the rocket will go just as high as we were hoping for.