The Capstone project, the project designed to reflect our learning in Heathcote School. The first step is coming up with your topic. Then you come up with a main inquiry question, and five sub-questions. Now the step we are on is finding, and scheduling an interview.
First let me tell you how I found my topic. I knew that I wanted to do something with music, and I was also really interested in the science of the brain, so I just put the two together. The topic I chose was the relationship with music and the brain.
Finding the main inquiry question was also pretty easy for me. Since I wanted to do something in the relationship that music has with the brain, I decided to ask the question “How does the Music You Listen to Affect the Functioning of your Brain”
We needed to come up with five sub-questions to help answer our main question. I thought, “What is the meaning of my question?” By thinking about that it helped form questions like, Can music help you learn? Or, “Can different genres of music affect you in different ways?
My Capstone journey has been great so far! I cannot wait to see what lies ahead.