Capstone Blog Post #3

One of the most memorable experiences in my 5th grade was the Capstone project. I chose to study the relationship between music and the brain. I chose this because I love music and I am really interested in the science of the brain. Then I had to come up with five sub-questions, and finally start my research.

I chose to present my research in a Ted-Talk, because whenever I watch someone present something in front of an audience, without a script, I find it very impressive. I thought that if I could do that it would be very cool.

The research process was very exciting, mainly because three years ago I watched my sister present her Capstone project, and I was very inspired. I learned many things along the way. One thing that I will keep in mind for future projects is to stay calm. I think this because, your entire Capstone project doesn’t have to be done in one day, and even if you hit bumps along the way it’s important to stay calm and focused.

The research from a book was a bit challenging. This was because most of the books were geared towards people studying neurology, and I had to find a book more suitable for an elementary student. So I had to read and reread parts that were relevant to my topic. I was fortunate that my interviewee was very cooperative and friendly.

Overall I learned a lot. I know way more in the field of music and the brain, and I am much more interested. I enjoyed the Capstone project a lot, and I cannot wait to present my Ted-Talk.

Capstone Blog Post #1

The Capstone project, the project designed to reflect our learning in Heathcote School. The first step is coming up with your topic. Then you come up with a main inquiry question, and five sub-questions. Now the step we are on is finding, and scheduling an interview.

First let me tell you how I found my topic. I knew that I wanted to do something with music, and I was also really interested in the science of the brain, so I just put the two together. The topic I chose was the relationship with music and the brain.

Finding the main inquiry question was also pretty easy for me. Since I wanted to do something in the relationship that music has with the brain, I decided to ask the question “How does the Music You Listen to Affect the Functioning of your Brain”

We needed to come up with five sub-questions to help answer our main question. I thought, “What is the meaning of my question?” By thinking  about that it helped form questions like, Can music help you learn? Or, “Can different genres of music affect you in different ways?

My Capstone journey has been great so far! I cannot wait to see what lies ahead.

What Are The Limitations To Freedom Of Press

I chose the question, “What Are The Limitations to Freedom of Press” for my project because, I thought it was a really interesting question. I came across an article which was discussing someone who crossed the boundaries of freedom of press, and divulged information to the press. I was intrigued. I looked into freedom of press and found it really interesting, because there seems to be a thin line in between reporting and crossing the boundaries. The reporter could think that their telling the truth but, they are could be exploiting freedom of press.

I really enjoyed researching this topic because there was so much to learn. I have a lot of respect for journalists now because, it takes a lot of effort to get the information and they have to obey the legal construct.

I answered my question and I learned so much. My favorite part was definitely writing the script because, I could share my research with everyone. This was a great experience, from November to January.

Here is the link to my video: