Welcome to 5th Grade!

Hi. It’s Rylan, it is my last year in elementary school, I remember being in kindergarten and not knowing anybody now 6 years later i’m in 5th grade. Halfway through my 3rd grade year in 2020 Covid hit the whole world, then life as we knew it changed. It is now September 2021 things have gotten better but Covid is still here and we are still wearing masks and living cautiously.

The last 18 months were okay, there were good times and challenging times too. I went to camp for the first time and it gave me a sense of normalcy because after we got there and quarantined for a week, we took a Covid test at camp we got to be in large groups of people without wearing a mask. I got to mingle and play with other kids. Make a lot of new friends and experience new things.

Something that I am looking forward to this school year is the rube-goldberg and rocketry projects. I am looking forward to a good school year.