
OK, our research has begun, it should be a breeze now right? Wrong. We had to schedule our interview and site visit. If you have a topic like mine, a site visit seems impossible. So I decided to do my interview first. My first idea was to do anyone who has a lot of experience with drugs. A pharmacist was the first person that came to mind. But I realized they might not know that much about positive and negative drugs. One day, I was thinking for an interview and “poof”. I got and idea. I decided to interview a doctor because they prescribe drugs and if someone is having trouble with a negative drug, they would go to a doctor. From there, it was easy? Or it should’ve been. There were so many doctors I had to choose from and, I had to choose what kind of doctor I needed. Finally, I thought “I think doing my doctor would be the most efficient.” And so I did my interview on my pediatric, Dr. Cindy Ivker. When I had my interview, we had decided to do it at 7 pm because it was the best time for both of us. When she called, I asked 9 question all relating to my topic. I actually made a great choice to interview my doctor because just as I predicted, she knew all of the facts. Overall, I found this interview extremely helpful.

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