Category Archives: Rocketry

SpaceX Launch

This rocket had many new technological parts of the rocket being tested. Even Elon Musk (the person that started Space X) himself was nervous. He said,” I didn’t really think this would work.” This launch was historic because it was named the most powerful operation rocket in the world.

My reaction to this event started out as “why am I looking at this?” But later what got me interested in the topic was the fact that he launched a Tesla with a dummy in it listening to “Space Oddity”, into space. He even put camera’s in the vehicle. Also, I got interested when the news reporter said that Elon Musk could now send humans to space to live.

What I’m still wondering about is whether or not humans will get to live in space or is Elon Musk just lying?


Rocketry Reflection

During the whole rocket process, my favorite moment was the last launch. Despite all the competitiveness, our group was really excited to see how our final launch would turn out because we had improved a lot through the experience so we were really excited to see our final results. I think the most challenging thing for us was splitting the work equally. Sometimes, some people did a little work and some did a lot. I think our group really showed the reason for doing this units, learning from your errors. For example our groups results went from around 36 feet, to 84 feet, to 113 feet. Each rocket successful impacted the next rocket positively. I learned about myself that sometimes I can be foolish but sometimes I can be really serious and hard-working. I learned that working in a group, if one person has a lack of concentration, it could affect the whole group. I learned through building, designing and launching that the lighter the rocket, the better. I also learned that sometimes, you should stick to research, not your own knowledge. For example, our entire group thought that a pointy nose cone would be the most aerodynamic, but after some research, I concluded that a round nose cone was the best. Still we couldn’t use the idea because no one agreed with me. Overall, I think the biggest moral we learned is that in a team, you must work together or you team will fall apart. I can connect this to a fable I read by Aesop. He wrote,”United we stand, divided we fall”.