We were driving to the airport. It took a billion years, but finally we were there.“Miami here we come!” I shouted.
“Sssshhhh,” my mom had whispered.
Our grandparents had been waiting for us at the airport. We zoomed out of the car to the trunk to get the rest of the suit cases. Then we got inside the waiting area at the airport. We had gobbled up all the gummy life savers. Some were yellow and red, red and green, and some were yellow and blue. We got our tickets and ran like the wind. Then we had to walk a thousand miles just because we needed to get to the lady, so she can take take our tickets and we can take our seats.
It would be my third plane ride I was so excited !I got to sit next to my sister Schuylar and my mom. When I saw the TV in front of us it said it takes two hours to get to Miami! I tried to look out the window even though I didn’t have it on my side of the plane. Then the lady next the window just closed it.
I thought to myself and said, “ Why does she get the window seat?” Anyway, I saved some Doritos from home and I was hungry so I ate them.I was also sleepy so I went to sleep. Luckily I brought my stuffed dog so I cuddled with it. I woke up before anyone else on the plane. It was extremely quiet you could hear a pin drop. I tried to wake up Schuylar, but she wouldn’t wake up. I tried to wake up my mom, but same with her she wouldn’t wake up either.
Then I saw the TV said one more hour so I went back to sleep. I was dreaming about puppies and unicorns dancing in the clouds in the moonlight. I was dancing with them. I woke back up and then the plane … BOOM ! AAAAHHHH ! I screamed then almost everybody on the plane looked at me I was really embarrassed ! Then a thing went ding the seat belt sign just went off. We walked down the aisle and we saw our grandparents. When we got off the plane I said to my mom and dad that was the best plane ride ever!
I love your story it’s so good. I like your very funny very silly dream and I would also be embarrassed. If I screamed on the plane I would be MORE embarrassed that plane ride. It must of been a VERY bumpy ride. I like how you used action words like BOOM! That was such a good story that I even want to be in that story because it is such a good story!