Plant Blog Post #2

Plants blog post

For are manipulated we put it in a bag so it would have no air.


For the past week we have been noticing FLOWERS and  buds! For the first day we started getting buds and flowers the first day we got like a million buds in cell four.  We started to grow buds! It was so amazing. The next day everything was the same except cell two we got green leaves 7 of them. Do you know what amazed me the most? Well I couldn’t believe that it was still growing with absolutely NO AIR! Anyway we got 15 buds in one cell I mean that’s like amazing ! The day after in cell two we got green leaves 9 cm 19 buds for cell three we got green leaves 6cm 7 buds.

Our tallest one was 20 cm and over the week it have grew 2 cm and now it it is 22 cm, its leaves for the flower are falling off cause it has been pollinated and the other leaves just got bigger. Right now our buds are still in its coats.


They are bent so I can not see how tall it is.Its leaves are tiny. It has 1 bud or flower.It has 0 seed pods.



I think that maybe the seed pods will hatch.

Teatown Reflection

1.Teatown was a awesome place my favorite thing when we went there was when we were standing the at the sand box.

2. I learned that when it rains on the moutains and it comes down like a stream its called tributary also I learned that when…water comes down a stream it all fall to a bigger surface of water.

3. I think we should have added something like fishing so we could right down more stuff of like animals and plants so we would’ve caught like more fish and stuff.

Maglev post #2

Today what my group did today that worked was when we took the disk magnets off the train because it was too much and we lined up the strip magnets to the tracks. The strip magnets so it would levitate higher and glide more smoothly.

What we did that failed was when we put one more strip of magnets on each side of the train to make two strip magnets on each side   What we learned from our failure that if you don’t line them up it wouldn’t float right so we learned from our mistakes. We took off all our disk magnets and we lined up the train and the tracks to line them up perfectly. And took off all the tape because it wasn’t working.


Our goal is to make the train levitate higher.

Maglev post #1

A maglev train is a train that doesn’t use the tracks to move instead it levitates.How because it repels off of magnets. My groups Idea for the train and tracks was  to make sure that it levitated and glided with a little touch.

What my group did that worked today was that we got it to levitate and whta we failed today was that the maglev train didn’t glide with a little touch and it only weny half way the first time but on the second try it almost went half way.

My experience with my group was amazing what we thought a little challenging was trying to make it levitate an what worked really well was when we made our track it was awesome.