My Capstone Reflection

Have you ever done a really big project? If you have, you probably know how many things you have to do for it. Sometimes you might have felt like giving up. I just did my Capstone project which had many phases to it.

First, we had to do research for our main inquiry question. My main inquiry question was How has figure skating evolved throughout history? I chose figure skating because I have been doing this since I was 4 years old and I was curious to learn more about it. My research went well and I got it done before the due date. In class, a lot of the class time was dedicated to working on capstone. That helped me finish in time and I was even done a little before the due date.

Next step, Capstone essay. My essay was basically just all my research put into body paragraphs with each sub question as a body paragraph. I also finished this early and did not feel rushed. Writing my essay was easy in my opinion because I had already done all the work in my research notebook. I basically was just copy pasting it into my essay adding a few words here and there. You can view my essay here.

The next step was to choose to do a ted talk or movie. Then you had to create a script. I chose to do a movie because then it would be easier to picture the old figure skating things that I was talking about. I also wanted to do something different. Last year we did an Ignite and we had done presentations for that. I felt a little rushed creating my script because everyone was finishing and moving on to their video while I was still working on my script. I had gotten my script done before the due date and had started my video.You can view my script here.

The last thing I had to do was make the video. Making the video was the hardest part for me. This was hard because I had to make sure all my images were the right time. I didn’t want them to move on too fast or too slow. What helped was doing a rough recording first so you know about how much time it takes to say everything. I went a little over the due date for this but it was only by a day and it was okay. My classmates and teacher watched my video and they gave me some feedback which helped.

In conclusion my capstone project was hard and easy at different parts. In the end it all worked out!