7th Grade Technology Post #3

Like my last post, this post can be about anything I want to write about again! For this post I want to write about the evolution of my guinea pigs cage! When we first got our first guinea pig which was my class pet he came in a very very very very small cage. It was one of those pet store cages that are so small that the guinea pigs cant even run around.

This is what it looked like.

Once I received Taz (my first guinea pig) I did a lot of research on guinea pigs. Once I found out that the cage Taz was living in was too small I begged my parents to buy a bigger one. At first they didn’t agree but then I showed them all my research and they gave in. We went on amazon.com and looked for some bigger cages. We found one for $356.08 that had a little ramp that Taz would go on. It didn’t look too big but it was an improvement for his first cage. My dad wouldn’t buy anything bigger so we went to the pet store with bigger cages to see if they had cheaper ones. My sister came along and started begging my dad for a guinea pig just for her! Of course my dad agreed because my sister is the youngest and the second most spoiled child in my family. I told her that she wasn’t ready and she didn’t do any research! Of course she didn’t listen to me. We didn’t find any good cages so we brought home a piggie instead! My dad ordered the cage on amazon and was very disappointed when it arrived. It was just a few inches bigger then the last time, and now we need an even bigger one for two guinea pigs! My dad didn’t agree on buying another one after what happened to the last one he ordered. So I saved up money from my dog walking job and soon I had $100! Instead of buying a proper cage I went ahead and bought 3 sets of these playpen gates.This is how one set looks like.

They works perfectly and I still had $37 for myself! Soon later the playpen gates became too small because Taz and Mania (my sisters guinea pig) both had grown and were now much bigger! I kept on dog walking and saved up another $100 in a few weeks. We went back the pet store and bought 3 more gate sets. Even though this was enough I decided to add there second cage on it. So it would be even bigger. Yesterday we took out the second cage because it was crowded. My piggies love their new space and soon they will have their own room because we are moving to a bigger house.

This is their current cage.


Thank you for reading this whole thing and have a great day.

One thought on “7th Grade Technology Post #3

  1. Isn’t it funny how when you get a pet you start learning more and more about them, and then you realize you need SO MUCH STUFF? You should be proud of yourself for doing the research and working to save up the money to make a better pen for the guinea pigs.

    I’m sure that you miss Taz. He was really lucky that you were his family, you took really good care of him and made a really nice home for him.

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