Post #9: Flashlight design

Mr. Calvert had told our class that we had to create/design a flashlight in the situation of the Thailand caves. The design of flashlight had to be small enough to fit into a tight box. For my design I wanted to do a 90 degree angled pipe with a smaller 1inch pipe to transition into a cap on the other side was a plug here is a picture of my design.



Post #8: Thailand Caves

In class, we talked about the Thailand football team. For one of the teammates birthday they went to explore the cave. While they were in the cave it started rain. The rain became heavy and soon the cave flooded. The football team did not know how to swim and they soon went farther and farther back into the cave now they were stuck. This is a dangerous mission. So once the family found out they were in the cave they called for help.

Post #7: Playing the Switch Game

In class, we combined our knowledge on switches and circuits and created a game. This game was to have your three switches attached to a alligator clip attached to wire in the circuit. When the tinfoil touched each other the light/circuit went on. To make a game off of this you need 2 piles of cards when the cards are a certain amount of colors there is a certain switch you flip.

Post #6: Circuit Unit

When we used our switches there was a circuit to make the LED light go on. In class we were learning how to make our own circuit. To make our own circuit yo have to have a breadboard that connects to a battery pack with alligator clips and wires that connect the tinfoil to the source of light. At the end of the LED light there are two legs one of the legs is long that it’s the positive leg the shorter one is the negative leg.

Post #5: Switchs

For my first switch I created a rubber band connected to card board with tin foil on it the rubber band was also connected to a stand created out of popsicle sticks. The card board would be able to move and have flexibility based on the rubber bands. When piece of cardboard with tinfoil touched a base with tinfoil, when you pressed them together a circuit is attached to it  and an LED light goes one.

For my second switch I made a pipe cleaner through a straw, that way it could move back and forth a card board piece and when the end of the pipe cleaner (which had tin foil at the end of it) hit another platform of cardboard that had tin foil when they touch the LED light turns on.

For my third switch I created a cardboard platform glued onto that was another piece of cardboard, attached to that were to rubber bands connected to a stand made out of popsicle sticks. When I pushed one piece of cardboard down to the other one, they both had tin foil on them, the LED light turned on again.

It was very interesting creating all of these switches. I came towards some obstacles like getting a very bad hot glue bubble blistered burn or having to restart a switch but overall it was really a cool outcome.

Post #4: Sottering Unit

Sottering was really interesting it was something that you don’t usually do. Sottering was different from what I expected for example, I thought it was easy to get the right amount of Sotter on the design but it wasn’t but in the end it was exactly what I’d hope for.

Post #3: Designing our Jewelry

For designing our jewelry we filled out a sheet with multiple circles to brainstorm a lot of designs to choose from. From there we made a template on the app Vetornator. My design was very difficult so we had to base a different one off of that. Then from there we started gathering the wire to make our design come to life.

Post #2: Breakout

During breakout we learned about teamwork and communication  skills we also became closer as a class and it was a challenge to accomplish and exceed all of the locks. It was very interesting experience I think that it would have been better if we worked in smaller groups.