Rube Goldberg#3 How do I feel about this project

I feel like it will be good but hard I think I can’t do it alone so I am doing it with my friend jose @jalavamarino24 and I think it will be good we have to redo the blueprint for my ideas but this will be a good project I am a close friend with jose but we still work good so I think it will be fun with a friend but still very productive so I am really happy and I think the building part me and jose will like but the things I am not happy about are the fails :[ I just don’t like to see something that I made fail a bunch of times :[

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Rube Goldberg #2 The reaction…

My reaction would possibly be blown away I would be shocked because I am using materials that are basic and not used for Rube Goldberg I think that there no materials I feel like you use every day items and make something cool I would be blown because were using basic everyday materials and making a simple task  and how you might look at these DVD’s  used to watch a movie but in Rube Goldberg vision you would think a machine using DVD’s to put a DVD in the player