Capstone #2 main questions and sub questions and the change of plans

as my EDM focus I am doing the recording studios in the events that happened I found great interviews such as jimmy fink on 107.3 the peak and decided to do the main focus even broader I decided to do recording studios not recording studios for EDM I am very exited and exited to meet the people I interview.My sub questions are:

What things do you need to start your own home recording studios?

What skills do you need to be a professional recorder?

How have recording products evolved and what tool is most common?

what are some of the most famous recording studios?

how are recording studios made soundproof?

2 thoughts on “Capstone #2 main questions and sub questions and the change of plans”

  1. Nice job Sam on explaining your feeling on how you are excited to meet the person you are interviewing.

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