Terrific Tribals

I struggled in my seat as the lights turned off, the microphone dropped and we all heard a SCREECH. Then they started announcing my division. I was freaking out. They announced the Orange Team, the Blue Team, the Yellow Team. Then finally the green team! They said my name first. I ran through the tunnel the CITS were making, got my shirt, put it on, and went back to my seat.

When everyone else was getting their shirts I thought about how I was the  first one to be announced on my team. When we left we had a little activity. We skipped a few things, but it was okay. Next Thursday, we had tribals again. We had a meeting and our tribals captain told us we would have a meeting every time. I was super happy about that.


She told us what activity we would be doing. My division was doing soccer. Let’s just say we didn’t do very well. But two weeks of tribals had passed and green team was in…1st place. But we still had three more weeks. The other teams could catch up. But…lucky for us they didn’t. Then the last day of tribals came. The Big Giche Gomie. My event was running backwards.


I heard screaming. “Go Green Team!”

“Go Yellow Team…. Go Orange Team…. Go Blue Team!”

I was screaming inside my body. In my head I was doing my happy dance. A super, named Sydney, ran through the doors of bunk 9 and passed me the baton. I started running backwards racing towards the flagpole to give the baton to the two CITS. And then it happened. I fell on my back. The CITS we’re like “Come on!”

“You got this!”      

“Get up!”

“You can do it!”

I got up and I ran to the CITS. It was crazy.

But I got back up and got to the CITS, gave them the baton, then they said, “Good job!”

Then a counselor said, “Are you ok?”

I said “Yep,” as I raced for Pine Island.

When the team captains came, yellow was first. Sadly, green was last. But that was only for the Gichie Goomie. Then they announced the real winner. It was green team! I wanted to scream. My team won on my first year. Squeeeee! I was so happy.