Feature Article Reflection

Have you ever written a feature article about one of your favorite places to go to, or your favorite thing to do, and even a sport that you enjoy? Or have you ever wanted to write one? I have, I did feature article about my favorite sport cheerleading! The process of making the article was hard, exciting and fun. The process was also very complicated and long. In this blog I will tell you about what I enjoyed most while writing the article, what I felt challenging while writing it, what I enjoyed most while formatting, and lastly what I found challenging while formatting.

I will start off with telling you what I enjoyed most about writing the feature article. While writing I enjoyed, a lot. But my favorite part was sharing what I know about cheerleading in an article because cheerleading is my favorite thing to do and I love anything about it. However while writing my feature article I came across problems such as when I did not know what to write during a part, because it took a long time thinking about what to write. For example, one time I got stuck on how to introduce my feature article and it took me about 10 minutes writing an intro and I kept changing it. It felt so hard to think about the best thing to write.

Now I will move onto formatting. During formatting I enjoyed setting up where all of my pictures will go and my text. This was a fun part of the process because you have to be very creative while figuring out your layout. For example I took boxes, made them smaller and bigger. I even made them wider until I found the perfect size and place for them to go. As you can probably tell I live getting creative. During formatting there were some challenging parts such as when I was pasting my writing into my final project because I kept changing the size of my writing and I also moved my layout.

In my blog you learned about what I enjoyed most while writing the article, what I felt challenging while writing it, what I enjoyed most while formatting, and lastly what I found challenging while formatting. I thought that this was a fun and creative project. I loved writing about cheerleading, one of my favorite things to do. I am so happy with how my feature article turned out. If you are ever bored and want to write a feature article you should start writing, or typing, and after that all you have to do is choose your layout, paste your writing, add your pictures, and lastly edit and revise.

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