Board of Legislators Trip

Legislator, legislature, legislator…s here I’m gonna tell you about one thing…legislators. I am gonna tell you about two things I learned about being a legislator and two things I enjoyed about being a legislator.

Two things I learned were discussing and voting on a bill. I learned that everybody gets a turn to express their opinion. For example, we discussed candy being banned from schools and we also learned that everybody gets to vote by putting a thumbs up or down. For example, we voted on candy and soda being banned from vending machines. I decided we should ban candy.

Two things I enjoyed were being in the chamber and seeing the real Benjamin Boykin. The reason that I liked being in the chamber is that I sat in a legislator chair. The reason I liked seeing Benjamin Boykin II is that he is a real legislator. My mother was also on the trip.

In conclusion, I liked being a legislator. It was boring but it was fun too. That is what I learned about legislators.I hope you enjoyed this blog.


First Week of 5th Grade

I picked up a tiny piece of paper, drew on it, and taped it in my locker. I put my name on it. In this story I will teach you about locker signs, and what children do with them.

What I enjoyed this past week was locker signs because we get to draw on them.

I’m looking forward to the Halloween party because you can dress up.

Do you know about locker signs?