Bye Bye Plastic Bags

The book “One Plastic Bag” by Miranda Paul is very inspiring story and it is about plastic bags that are hurting the earth because it is hurting animals but a lady comes up with an idea of cleaning the plastic bags and making purses out of them. I really like the idea because it is important to nature and the world. It also is inspiring because it is a very creative idea to make purses out of recycled plastic bags. I also think the idea is inspiring because it is very challenging to get rid of plastic bags in a whole country.

Image result for one plastic bag

We also watched a “Ted talk” about getting rid of plastic bags in Bali. Two sisters that are still kids came up with an idea of cleaning Bali from plastic bags. What really inspires me is that the kids who came up with the idea are still really young and they already came up with a strong idea of helping the country Bali from plastic bags. Something that also inspires me is that the idea took a lot of hard work and effort. Another thing that inspires me is that they went all over Bali to get the job done. I like that they went to the airports so people from other countries will know what they are doing. Yet another thing that I like about them going to the airports is that they can get rid of the plastic bags that they use and have in the airports. I also like this idea because I agree that plastic bags are harmful to the earth. I also am inspired because kids that aren’t even that old care a lot about their country and our world. The idea is inspiring because the idea is a challenge because they have to work very hard and the kids are very determined and they worked very hard but they succeeded. The kids really wanted to help their country with getting rid of plastic bags. I also like their idea because I think it is really complete and specific. I know that the kids worked really hard because they even finished a year early! I’m really inspired because these kids help and care about our world. This tells me that if you want to do something, and you work really hard, you most likely will succeed.

If you want to see the TED Talk video, here it is:


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