After the meeting we changed our triggers, we met one last time, determined to complete our Rube Goldberg machine. Alexander hadn’t changed anything since we last met up, and we took some time to set up, but it was more efficient than the other times we did it, because we did it so many times […]
Month: March 2019
Rube Goldberg Post #5 – Annoying Problems and Fails
During the meeting after the meeting we changed our triggers, we had to film the machine working. However, we had many, many fails that were careless and annoying. We decided to put bloopers and all of our fails into the video. Some of them were pretty careless, but Alexander thought it would be cool to […]
Rube Goldberg Post #4 – The Greatest Challenges
After Winter Break, I met with the group at Alexander’s house, and I found out that they made some changes to the steps of the Rube Goldberg machine, even though most of it was the same. The steps looked pretty much done, and so we tested them a few times. Some of the steps needed […]