Pretty recently, after school, Jason and Felix, who are my friends, we went to a Google building in New York City. When I got there, I thought it was really cool, and the building was really old fashioned, but the inside was as modern as most of the buildings today. Inside, there were google logos […]
Month: May 2019
Blog #3 – Conducting the Interview
A few weeks ago, me and my dad emailed one of my cousins, who works at the Uber self-driving car department. He said he’d be happy to get interviewed by me, and we could face time each other. He didn’t even want my questions beforehand, which was great, so I could have more time to […]
Blog #2 – Crafting A Main Inquiry Question and Sub Questions
I had lots of ideas for what my main inquiry question would be, but I eventually realized that it was harder than I thought. I thought the sub questions would be easier than the main inquiry question, and it only was a little easier than the main inquiry question. Finding my main inquiry question […]
Blog #1 – Choosing My Capstone Topic
Two days ago, we were given another unit! It’s called Capstone. Basically, for Capstone we choose a topic we think we could do a lot of research on. It also has to be a topic that interests us, and make a slideshow presentation on it. We think of a main inquiry question, which is the […]