Recently, I finished my plans on Tinkercad and I plan on building soon. I hope to start tomorrow during class. For this week of school, I am temporarily going all-virtual and I had to go to school and pick up my bag full of supplies and tools for my build. The bag includes my main tools, which are the Slice pen and the saw for cutting, and wood glue to stick the pieces together, as well as a ruler, wood, and other things. I will mainly use the saw and Slice pen, because I have many pieces to cut. The house itself is pretty small, but I decided to double up on all sides and floor of the house for more strength, so I need more wood than you think. The joint I am mainly using is the Rabbet joint, which requires you to at least have a side be two pieces thick. I want to get most of the cutting for the floor and sides done tomorrow, so I can glue them and let the pieces sit overnight.