Grade 7 Technology #5 – Uses of Different Types of Wood

Today’s Technology lesson was about types of wood.

I learned that there are three main types of wood, which are softwood, hardwood, and engineered wood. Softwood is not necessarily softer than hardwood, and is actually pretty strong. It is mainly used for like the structures of houses, and you can find certain types of softwood, such as Spruce, Pine, and Fir, at places like Home Depot and Lowe’s. There are other types of softwood like cedar and redwood. These two are good for porches because they are rot resistant. Hardwood is woods like Oak and Maple. Hardwoods are mainly more appealing than softwoods because of their grain looks nicer, so they can be used as furniture that many people will see. Other types of Hardwood is Cherry, Walnut, and Bamboo. The last type of wood I learned was engineered wood, which is manmade wood usually made from wood scraps. Plywood and Oriented Strand Wood are types of engineered wood. These woods are good because you can make them into sizes that are larger than a tree can be, because a trees trunk is only so large.

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