At home, the event that I think uses energy the most is exercising. Now that we can not interact with other people, and the fact that we stay home a lot, we need to exercise to keep ourselves healthy. The way I exercise is by doing 2000 jump rope, which really tires me out. The […]
What is energy?
What is energy? Energy is the power that allows you to do work. There are two main categories of energy. One type is called potential energy, which is the energy stored inside an object. For example, when you stretch out a rubber band, it builds up on potential energy before it snaps. The other category […]
Rube Goldberg Post #6 – Success!
After the meeting we changed our triggers, we met one last time, determined to complete our Rube Goldberg machine. Alexander hadn’t changed anything since we last met up, and we took some time to set up, but it was more efficient than the other times we did it, because we did it so many times […]
Rube Goldberg Post #5 – Annoying Problems and Fails
During the meeting after the meeting we changed our triggers, we had to film the machine working. However, we had many, many fails that were careless and annoying. We decided to put bloopers and all of our fails into the video. Some of them were pretty careless, but Alexander thought it would be cool to […]
Rube Goldberg Post #4 – The Greatest Challenges
After Winter Break, I met with the group at Alexander’s house, and I found out that they made some changes to the steps of the Rube Goldberg machine, even though most of it was the same. The steps looked pretty much done, and so we tested them a few times. Some of the steps needed […]
Rube Goldberg Post #3 – The Sketch
On Saturday, 2/9/19, Jett and I went to Alexander’s house to work on the Rube Goldberg machine, and when I got there, I wanted to do the step I was working on, but we had to do the sketch for the machine, because it was due on 2/12/19, so we had to work on that. […]
Rube Goldberg Post #2 – Our First Meeting
On Saturday Alexander and I were discussing what our simple task our Rube Goldberg would be, and we thought of a really cool idea, which was in the end we would have something press a remote or phone screen that would start the song “We Are The Champions”, and it would be timed, so when […]
Rube Goldberg Post #1 – My Group
For the rube goldberg project, I decided to work with Alexander, because he is one of my best friends, he works really hard, and he can get some really cool ideas for the project. He also makes this project a lot more interesting, because we can collaborate with another person. We decided to have our […]
Rocketry Presentation Reflection
Well, even before we presented, I was still really nervous. I really hoped I would be presenting either second or third, because if you go first, it feels really awkward because you’re going first, so everyone is expecting you to do really well, so if you make a little mistake, it feels worse than if […]
My Plant Observations
Date Controlled Observation Manipulated Observation 5/8 Today one of the plants is one inch tall and another plant is just emerging. Today I see no changes in the seed. It went up to the surface. 5/9 Today one of the plants is now one and a half inch tall and the other plant […]