Immigration Interview Reflection
For this project we found a family member or a friend that immigrated and made sure that they are an adult. We wrote down questions to ask them then we interviewed them. After we wrote a narrative about them and made it into a script.
While preparing for the interview, we had to make questions to ask our interviewee. I found it really helpful to go to the websites that our teachers assigned for us that had sample questions. When creating the questions I had to make sure that they weren’t yes or no questions. I had to change a lot of mine or add a question like why? Or describe. To make the questions get more of an answer from the interviewee. We had to come up with fifteen questions to ask. It was easy coming up with the first five or ten questions but then it got harder because I had to start getting really creative.
I interviewed my grandma over the phone. I couldn’t do it in person because she lives in Canada! It was super interesting learning about her because she has such a crazy story. When on the call conducting the interview I learned to really engage with the interviewee. Like I didn’t ask about if she had any toys but since I seemed interested (and I was) she told me about this toy whose head got cut off so they could put money and jewelry in there.
Overall, the interview was super interesting and I loved learning about all the interesting facts. I liked preparing, interviewing and writing the narrative and script.