Posts Tagged ‘How they are measured’


For the ignite we got extreme weather groups. The groups were Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tornadoes, Tsunamis and Hurricanes. I was in the tsunamis group! We decided what sub topics we got together. There were cause, effect, prevention and safety, how they are measured and important events for the groups with 5 people which were hurricanes and tornadoes. Caroline got effect, Eric got cause, Dowlat got prevention and safety and  I got how they are measured.

After we picked the groups we did a lot of research. My teacher printed out different sheets for the different sub topics. She printed out cause effect t-charts for the cause and effect sub topics. She printed out time line for important events and she printed out boxes and bullets for how they are measured and prevention and safety.  we worked on research for about 2-4 weeks.

Once we were done with our research we wrote a script. We wrote what we were going to say in a then in the script we made adjustments. There was what we would do from 0-15 seconds and then what we would do from 15-30 seconds. There were also 3 sections. There were what we were going to say and what we were going to have on the screen.

Then after the script we started to memorize the whole script and cut it or made it longer so it would be 30 seconds in all. It took most of us a few weeks to memorize it. It took me about 2 weeks.

Once we were done with that we made a google slides and put in the pictures we wanted to be in the real thing and we practiced with looking at the screen to see when the slides switch and make sure that everything is perfect we also practiced at home as homework to get it done quicker

Once we memorized everything and made our own google slides we copied and pasted our google slides into a presentation with our group. We practiced with our groups in front of the smart board. We started practicing on Monday. On Thursday we put all the presentations together and practiced how we would in front of the parents.

Then on the next Monday we went into the multi purpose room and presented our work in front of our parents. Then we were done with our ignite project.