Personal Narrative

“How many more minutes ‘till we get there?”, I ask.

“2 minutes!”, I hear.

“Okay.”, I say dully.

“Wanna play tic tac toe?”, Tara asks.

“Sure!”, I answer. I sit up a bit taller.

“Tic tac toe, give me an x, give me an o, give me a three in a row! Rock! Paper! Scissors says shoo!”, We both say.

“I win!”, Tara says.

“Okay.”, I say dully but also happy.

“Line line number nine spiders crawling up your spine, dot dot electric shock!” Tara chants.

.   .   .


“We’re here!”, Exclaims grandma.

“YAY!!”, Tara and I cheer. We race to our team. 

“I win!”, I giggle.

“Actually,”, Rhea says with a smile, “it was a tie.”

.   .   .


“Let’s go!”, Arabelle shouts. We talked and chatted our way there.

“How ya doin’?”,asks coach Eric while giving high fives.

“Good.”,I say.

“Just good?”,he asks. Then, he smiled his fun smile.

“First, I go!”, says Elexa as she puffed out her chest.

“Okay.”, Eric answers. Elexa hit. I didn’t notice. Elexa ran. I still didn’t notice. Elexa ran to me because I was on third base. Elexa ran and bumped right into me!

“Elexa!”, I groaned.

“Well, that’s what you get for not paying attention”,  Elexa said rather selfishly. Just then, Bill came. He beckoned Eric to come.

“Would you like to sub for 16?”, Bill asked.

“Sure!”, Answered Eric.

“What’s Eric doing?”, I asked our helper.

“Playing a game.”

“A real game?”

“Yes. A real game.”

“Well, at least it’s my turn to hit.”

“Yes it is!” She answered. Her first was too high. 

“Sorry!” I haven’t thrown in years!”. Her second was too low, and her third went towards my thumb and hit it!

.   .   .


“Wanna play on the zipline?” I asked.

“Okay but then let’s play on the spinning thing” says Elexa.

“Okay” I answered. We had tons of fun pushing and getting pushed. 

“Now can we play on the spinny thing?”, Elexa asked. 

“Sure!”, I answered. 

“Let’s walk on it!”, Says Elexa.

“Yeah!”, I exclaimed. 

“Woah!”, I cried. I fall on the outside of the circle.

“You’re out!”, Elexa giggled. 

“Time to go!”, Interrupted mommy.

“Why?”, I asked.

“Because everybody has left and it’s too late.” Mommy answered. 

“But I am still here!”, interrupts Elexa.

“Go. Now.”, says daddy as he walked to us.

“Oh fine.”, I say grumply. We go home.



6 thoughts on “Personal Narrative

  1. I love the dialogue. I don’t have a specific part for you to work on and I also don’t have a favorite part overall great story.

  2. That’s so good! I love all the detail you put in there and including other friends, especially Rhea and Arabelle, and Elexa for my camp two years ago!

  3. I love your story so much that I read it about a billion times! Great job with the diolouge and show not tell! Marvelous job!

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